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One question for all teams

Any team member can raise the paddle

First team to raise the paddle has a chance to answer
the question
Judges are to tell whose turn it is
Hesitation, delay or partners help after raising your
paddle will make you loose that chance
If your answer is correct you score a point for your
team. Other ways the next team has a chance


FINAL 10 3

UNTIE (if needed) 1 sudden

When did the Western Roman Empire fall?

A. V century B. XIX century

C. X century D. XVI century

There are two kinds of transportation of substances
in the cells; passive and active. This last one:

A. Needs energy B. Does not need energy

C. Needs sodium D. Needs potassium

A real number written as a simple fraction is:

A. A rational number B. A natural number

C. An irrational number D. A whole number

Who were the barbarians?

A. The peoples which conquered Rome B. The Spaniards

C. The predecessors of romans D. Those who ruled Bavaria

There are two kinds of transportation of substances in the cells;
passive and active. The first one:

A. Needs energy B. Does not need energy

C. Needs sodium D. Needs potassium

What grammar tense is the sentence
Will Smith has been producing movies

A. Future Simple B. Past perfect

C. Present perfect D. Future Perfect


A. An irrational number B. An unnatural number

C. A natural number D. A rational number

What was the capital city of
the Western Roman Empire?

A. Rome B. Athens

C. Constantinople D. Cairo
The biological process through which a species
creates new organisms is called:

A. Transduction B. Photosynthesis

C. Substances exchange D. Reproduction

45 is:

A. An obtuse angle B. A flat angle

C. An acute angle D. A closed angle

What was the time period of WW I?

A. 1900 to 1917 B. 1939 to 1935

C. 1914 to 1918 D. 1920 to 1928

When a single organism is responsible for creating
another one, this reproduction is called:

A. Sexual B. Asexual

C. Exocytosis D. Photosynthesis
The summation of all internal angles of a triangle

A. 90 B. 45

C. 180 D. 360
What year was the Great Depression?

A. 2011 B. 1929

C. 1912 D. 1945
When two organisms are responsible for creating
another one, this reproduction is called:

A. Sexual B. Asexual

C. Exocytosis D. Photosynthesis
Numbers composed by a real part and an
imaginary part, are called:

A. Crazy numbers B. Irrational numbers

C. Complex numbers D. Composed numbers

What year WW II was over?

A. 1938 B. 1948

C. 1993 D. 1945
Who were the first scientists who told
the world about DNA structure?

A. J.D. Watson y F.H. Crick B. Watson and Plato

C. M.H.F. Wilkins y Albert Einstein D. Plato and F.H. Crick

A 2x2 lineal equation system is so
called because it has:

2 equations
A. B. 2 equations in one
and 2 unknowns

Many unknowns
C. A double unknown D.
in two equations
DNA means:

A. Ribonucleic acid B. Deoxyribonucleic base

C. Deoxyribonucleic acid D. Hydrochloric acid

Participle form of verb to have is HAD.
What does it mean in Spanish?

A. Haba B. Habido

C. Ha D. Habiendo
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
PowerPoint (Advanced) Template

Designed and Created by

Jeff White

Copyright 2000

Version 2.1 - Last updated 20 June, 2001

The graphics and sounds used in this template are

recorded from the television show Who Wants To
Be A Millionaire, and were obtained from both the
ABC WWTBAM website and the
ITV WWTBAM website.
ABC is the American Broadcasting Corporation;
ITV is the Channel 3 (UK) broadcasting company.

Visit for updated


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