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medical doctors, psychologist, and

psychiatrist have been always been
fascinated with the brain and how it works.
Studies conducted ob the brain often starts
with an attempt to understand a brain-
related disease or malfunction.
Conducted a study for epilepsy, which
gave him the 1981 Nobel Prize for
Physiology or Medicine. Sperry explained
that the brain has two hemispheres that
perform tasks differently from each
other. Dr. Perrys theory was known as
the Split-Brain Theory.
Left-hemisphere was performing tasks that
were intuitive, creative, and synthesizing.
Right-hemisphere was more adept with
analytical, logical, reasoning, and critical
Came up with a theory that identified
three distinct parts of the brain, namely:
neocortex, limbic system, and reptilian
complex, which were referred to as The
Truine Brain Theory.
Neocortex is responsible for intellectual
tasks such as language, planning, abstraction
and perception.
Limbic system is responsible for the
motivation and emotion involved in feeding,
reproductive behavior, and parental
Reptilian complex which controls the self-
preservation and aggressive behavior of
humans similar to the survival instincts of
Was tasked to determine why some
individuals were more creative than
others. After drawing from studies of
Sperry, Herrman came up with his own
theory called the Brain Dominance
Theory. Herrmann is regarded as the
Father of Brain Dominance Technology.
Herrmann derived from observations and
tests that the human body, although
symmetrical and paired in almost all aspects,
do not necessarily function equally. People
normally have a more dominant part of their
body, like a more dominant leg, eye, or arm,
which a person often prefers to use. For
example a right-handed person and vice
1.Upper Left (A) Cerebral Mode key word for
this quadrant is ANALYTICAL.
2.Lower Left (B) Limbic Mode key word for
this quadrant is ORGANIZED.
3.Lower Right (C) Limbic Mode key word for
this quadrant is INTERPERSONAL.
4.Upper Right (D) Limbic System key word for
this quadrant is IMAGINATIVE.

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