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Post 7: Narrative

By: Leeroy
Closed/Open Narrative

There are no loose ends and the documentary has a clear
conclusion and has answered the question that could be asked.
The documentary ends with unanswered questions and all the ends
are loose as they havent been concluded, leaving the audience to

The documentary follows a timeline of events and the different
pieces in the documentary are shown chronologically, in an order
of time.
There is no order to what is being shown in the documentary.
Single/Multi Strand

Single Strand:
This is where the documentary follows one narrative.
There is more than one narrative being told in the documentary or
they can overlap or they can be told at the same time.
Circular Narrative

Circular Narrative:
A documentary starts and finishes on the same point. This can
bring closure or might leave loose ends to the story.

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