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Being polite at the beginning of the phone Talking about the reason for the phone call

I just got your message. Im returning your call. Someone phoned me from this
Thanks for calling me back.Thanks for getting back to me
number. Anyway, Im phoning about the meeting next week/ about Im calling
(so quickly). Sorry to phone so early in the morning (but
to ask about the meeting next week/ to So, did you see my email about the
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Sorry to ring
delivery/ about?Well, just a quick call to say
again so soon (but)
Well, I was given your number by I found your number
Sorry to trouble you again (but)

Connecting the caller to the right person Negative answers to requests to speak to someone
Can I ask what it is concerning? Im sorry but shes away from her desk/ out of the office/ out of the country/
Of course. Ill (just) check if hes available. not in today. (She should be back)
Okay. Im putting you through. Im afraid hes on another line/ her line is busy/.
Ill connect you to She should be able to help.

Other responses to someone not being there

Talking about the next contact between
you/ Talking about the future No, thats okay, thanks. Ill (just) call again later. (Do you know when she will be
available?) Actually, its quite urgent. Could you give me his mobile number? Is
Can I call you back (a little) later? Could you possibly call there anyone else I can speak to about? Can I help you at all?
again (a little) later? Ill email you by the end of business
today/ later (today)/ in the next couple of days/(I cant
hear you very well). Shall we hang up and try again? Ill Asking people to wait
check () and call you (right) back. Could you (possibly)
find out and call me back? Please call again if you have any Please hold the line. Ill connect you to a member of our customer service
other questions/ problems/... staff/ Ill check if shes available/ Ill
I look forward to your call.Looking forward to hearing Just a moment while I get a pen and some paper/ while I find the file/ while
from you.Speak to you then/ tomorrow/ soon/ later then). I. Okay, please go ahead. Just a minute. Im (just) getting your account up on
the screen/ Im (just)
Taking messages/ Checking/ Clarifying/ Not understanding/ Ending the small talk/ Smoothly
dictation Dealing with communication problems getting down to business/ Moving
towards the topic
Does she have your Can I check that back? Sorry, could you say that So, what can I do for you today?
number? Can I take again (a little more slowly)? Sorry, can you repeat the Anyway, have you got a minute (to talk)?
a message? first word/ the last part/? Is that right? Asking about the receiver
Shall I ask her to Sorry, could you spell your family name/ (for me), Sorry, who am I speaking to, please?
call you please? Just to (double) check, Sorry, is that B for Is that Kim (Smith)?
back?(Okay.) Got it Bobby (or V for virgin)/ one five (or five oh)/ two Is this the right number for the HR
(now) (,thanks). words (or all one word)/ . (or)? department/ for? Is that the
department/ division/ section/ team?
Ending taking messages Are you the right person to speak to
Okay, Ill make sure (that) he gets your message. (Im sure he will get back to about?
you soon.)
Smoothly ending a phone call (giving
Checking that the other person has finished and responding to reasons for finishing the call)
So, is there anything else (that I can help you with) (today)? Anyway, its been great to talk, but Im
(Okay then,) was there anything else (that youd like to ask)? afraid I have a meeting in a few minutes/
No, thats all (for now), thanks.Actually, there is just one more thing... Im afraid I (so)Id like to talk more
about this but Im afraid someone has just
Talking about written sources (documents, webpages etc)
come in/ Im afraid (so)
That seems to have covered everything,
Do you have the information in front of you now?
thanks. Thats been really helpful, thanks.
Im sending you the document/ right now.
If you turn to page (number) three and look at the second paragraph, Okay, I wont keep you any longer, then.

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