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The basic steps in BCLS are known by the
acronym A-B-C-D (Airway - Breathing -
Circulation - Disability). The four points should
be considered in the handling of patients in
emergency conditions
Airway Management
Seemed to be anxious patients and a change
of consciousness. This is a symptom of
hypoxia and hipercarbia. The patient looks
cyanosis especially on the skin around the
mouth, the fingernails of the nails. Also
noticeable contraction of additional
respiratory muscles.
We hear whether there is a sound like snoring,
gargling, whistling, which may be related to a
partial blockage of the farink / larink in here.
We can feel when air blockage, especially when
expiration when trackhea position in linea
Airway maintenance techniques:
Chin lift
Jaw thrust
Orofaringeal tube
Nasofaringeal tube
Breathing Management
Assess breathing:
Inspection: Frequency, breath pattern, symmetrical
or not, use of breathing aids muscles, neck vein Dam,
cyanosis. In traum aperiksa puncture, fleil chest,
wound to the chest.
Palpation: tenderness, crepitation, emphysema
subcutis, tracheal location shift
Percussion: Sonor, dim, hypersonor.
Auscultation: patient complaints, breath sounds, is
there any additional breath sounds (rhonki, whezing),
listen to intestinal sounds in the chest, heart sound.
Help to improve breathing:
Tension pneumothorax:
Push with a large needle between the ribs II
Installation of chest tube between interstate
Hemothorax with chest tube installation
Open pneumothorax immediately closed with
a vasein gauze
Fail chest is given analgesics
Check the pulse:
Rhythm, frequency, strong lift
Peripheral perfusion

Signs of shock:
Peripheral perfusion disorders
Finger palms
Warm, Dry, Red: NORMAL
Cold, Wet, Pale: SHOCK
Press - off the tip of the nail / palm
Red back <2 seconds: NORMAL
Red back> 2 seconds: SHOCK
Compare with the examiner's hand
Perfusion: pale - cold - wet; stamp. Slow refill time (nails, palms)
Pulse > 100 x / min
Blood pressure <100/90 mmhg
Check Pupils (magnitude, symmetry, light
Check awareness, GCS
A : Awake (full awake)
V : responds to Verbal command (no reaction
to the command)
P : responds to Pain (no reaction to pain)
U : Unresponsive (no reaction)

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