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Gelombang I: Pertanian Gelombang II: Revolusi

Peralatan Tangan Industri
Tenaga Binatang Revolusi Industri: Mesin
Irigasi Uap
Tingkat Kemakmuran Kemakmuran diukur:
berasal dari luas lahan Penguasaan baja,
dan hasil panen industry, batubara,

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Gelombang III: Produksi Gelombang IV: Revolusi
Masaal Industri
Produksi massal & Digital Age, mainframe
berbasis konsumen computer, microprosesor,
Murahnya energy PC, Smartphone
minyak Bioteknologi
Otomobil, perumahan, Material baru
ritel Nano technology

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Riset & Pengembangan adalah pendorong
Proses Inovasi secara berkesinambungan
Memulai usaha skala kecil menengah
berpotensi menjadi bisnis raksasa
Sinergi Antara Inovator, Teknoprenuer,
Investasi 5-25% penjualan untuk research and
development (R&D)
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1. E-Business Type
2. Community
3. Content
4. Technology Devices
5. Access Channels
6. Regulation
7. Organization
8. Change Strategy
9. Business Process
10. System Approach

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1. e-Government: Pemerintahan/Administrasi Publik
2. e-Business: Bisnis
3. e-Learning: Pembelajaran/Diklat
4. e-Health: Kesehatan
5. e-Employment: ketenaga kerjaan
6. e-Environment: Lingkungan
7. e-Agriculture: Pertanian
8. e-Science: Ilmu Pengetahuan

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Definitions? entrepreneur, entrepreneurship,
entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial ecosystem,
Required skills for entrepreneurship?
Born vs. bred? Can entrepreneurship be
Why start an enterprise?
Key success factors in starting up?
Is entrepreneurship for me?
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