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Testicular Trauma

Definition and Etiology

Testicular trauma is an injury of the testes,

usually caused by blunt force impact due to

traffic accidents, fights or sports injuries.

Penetrating or developing trauma is also

Signs and Symptoms

Testicular pain, scrotal hematoma, soft tissue

injuries depending on the etiology of
testicular trauma.
Ultrasonography of the Testes
Important is the localization of the hematoma,
which can be scrotal, in the cavum serosum
testis or within the testicular parenchyma.
The next important step in ultrasonography is
the detection of a testicular rupture.
Detection of decreased blood flow with
Doppler ultrasonography.
The extent of injury can be easily
underestimated with ultrasonography.
Conservative treatment

Indicated for mild hematoma without tear

of the tunica albuginea and without
decreased blood flow of the testis.

Conservative treatment consists of

analgesics, elevation of the scrotum, local
cooling and bed rest.
Surgical Treatment

The scrotal management is necessary for a

pronounced hematoma (hematocele), for
suspected testicular rupture and for a decreased
testicular blood flow.
Surgical treatment depends on the
intraoperative findings: detorsion of the testis,
removal of hematoma or nonviable tissue,
suture of the tunica albuginea.
Orchiectomy is necessary in complete
testicular destruction.

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