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A reef is a rock, sandbar, or other feature lying beneath the

surface of the water (80 meters or less beneath low water). [1]
Many reefs result from abiotic processes
deposition of sand, wave erosion planing down rock
outcrops, and other natural processes but the best-known
reefs are the coral reefs of tropical waters developed
through biotic processes dominated
by coralsand calcareous algae. Artificial reefs such as
shipwrecks are sometimes created to enhance physical
complexity on generally featureless sand bottoms in order to
attract a diverse assemblage of organisms, especially fish.
Most reef scientists generally recognize three basic
types of coral reefs:
(1) Atoll - a roughly circular (annular) oceanic reef
system surrounding a central lagoon
(2) Fringing Reef - a reef system that grows fairly
close to (or directly from) the shore, with an entirely
shallow lagoon or none at all
(3) Barrier Reef - a reef system that parallel the shore
and is separated from it by a wide lagoon that
contains at least some deep portions

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