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Research — Iwill be researching cases on prenates with BPD to help create mock information for the tri-fold (product) and use that to develop information for parents to prepare for what's to come if their kids live with BPD. = Iwill be researching information on treatment and diagnosis of BPD in prenates = Iwill be researching information on how BPD develops for prenates in the NICU and what factors play at hand for patients to develop BPD and what puts them atrisk while they’re in Nicu. My Product For my product I will be creating a tri-fold that presents a case of a premature patient who was born with lung complications and how the patient is treated in the NICU. ‘The product will include information as to how to prepare parents to care for their children when they are discharged from the hospital. The product will also include information built for parents to understand the setting of NICU and what to expect while their child was in the hospital. Conclusion With the start of my mentorship at CLRMC I am expectingto have a feel of the environment in the NICU, especially the different atmospheres presentedin level 3 and in level 2. ‘Along with this | would like to gather a general knowledge as to how the RNs interact with the patients and parents while doing their job. | would also like to grasp an understanding of the different procedures the nurses have ta go through based on the patient and their condition, along with following orders/directions given to them by the on-call doctors. Thank You! — | would fike to thank Valerie Gray for agreeing to be my, mentor and guiding me through the semester while ensuring | gain a general knowledge of the NICU ‘and taking me under her wing while also doing her job Q- * ag an RN and training a nursing student. —\\\ Would fike to thank Mrs. Click along with Clear Than k ae Springs HS for giving us the opportunity to go out into different fields of work and being able to explore areas of work that interest us. Work Cited 760t6 Bing Homepage” NicusLungs -Bing Images. 460 toBing Homepage” Mentor - Bing Images. "G0 to Bing Homepage” Nicus - Bing Images, Kosai obn/ienages| search ?view=detallV?&ccid=|WaTEahSRid-BCEG443B4DBAL6CAA22026C73A81 SE7ECODEEE FBSRideOIPtWa Fah 98QUrHe2XO Aww. ASPB Dici72BE.simid=607999944451861399&selectedindex=1618alaxhist=0. Aas Cheryl Bird, RN | Reviewed by a board-certified physician. “What Is Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) in Preermles?” Verywell,, “Living With Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia.” National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, U.S. Department of Health and Fhunwény Services, 12 Jan, 2012, www.nhlbi.nih.gev/health/health-topics/topies/bod/ivinawith. jpg

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