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Mathematical Literacy

in the Middle and High

School Grades
Taylor Sanchez
Lyndsey Ruchalski
Lauren Casquarelli

Faith Wallace Mary Evans

Taught middle school English Taught math, physics and chemistry

Professor of literacy Degrees in physics and engineering
PhD in language and literacy development
Doing Math and Understanding Text

Mathematical Literacy is not the same at Mathematical Proficiency

Real life problems and text
Math in unexpected places
Math Language
Example: Johnny has seven apples, bus Suzie took one away. Same gave him three more.
It takes six apples to make a pie. Does Johnny have enough to make a pie?
Context of the problem
Make Meaning of Mathematical Text

Vocabulary specific
to content
Build links
Prior knowledge
Multicolumn Journal

Set Goals clues

Demonstrate skills solve it
Make mathematical meaning explain it

Clues Solve it Explain

What are the
books strengths
and weaknesses?
Ways of keeping students
Strengths Describes solutions to
Included sample activities
Sample Lesson

Students looked at environmental print Activity promotes higher-order thinking

Analyze the print Applies math to real world

Teacher guides student learning with Allows students to be critiques


Apply math to information found

Unrealistic lessons

Went off topic
Long activites, short class
Why we recommend this book

Uses various examples of how math relates to the real world.

Includes project based learning strategies.

Provides sample lessons and activities.

Emphasizes maths relationship to other content areas.


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