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Hi, my name is David Lowery

My greatest role in life: UNCLE

A few of my Accomplishments
A few of my Accomplishments
Some of my hobbies include:
Hiking to waterfalls
Traveling to new places
Experiencing different cultural foods & traditions
Spending time with family & friends
My Personal Mission Statement
My mission is to Profess, Inspire, and to Share
by an example of Humility, Gratitude, and Selflessness
a message of HOPE, a message of LOVE, a message of FAMILY, a message
of STRENGTH, a message of FORGIVENESS, a message of FAITH
to the people of my community, and plant in their hearts a seed of hope, a
hope that will bring forth a desire for change
What I Plan To Do With My Degree

It is my desire to work with individuals who are in

bondage to addiction.
Believe you can and youre halfway there. Theodore Roosevelt
You must do the things you think you cannot do. Eleanor Roosevelt
There is hope for the addicted, and this hope comes through the Atonement of the
Lord Jesus Christ.Elder M. Russell Ballard, October 2010 general conference

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