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Business Plan

Mega Putri (16610059)

Alfu Alfinnikmah (16610061)
Sely Ayu R (16610062)
Iqbalia Ilham Pradini (16610068)
Bring up the Sate Telur
Making food innovations Sate Telur in the 90s
Add to the list of foods who can we eat with low price,
high nutrition and delicious
Our target consumer is of all ages.
The Product
Brand : Egsis
The Strenght of the product unique
Can add some taste. Ex : Blackpapper, cheese, Chili,
Many kind of jar in the Egsis
1. Weaknesses
Use Preorder Sytem
Use COD(Cast On Delivery) ( System
Havent an outlet
Cold foods dont taste good
2. Future Development
Marketing Stategy
Develop the products
Develop Marketing Area
Analize the weaknesses and make solutions
Promotion of products with social media
Strategy of the devilopment of product
Multiply the variety of flavors
Analize the weaknesses when manufacturing and
make solutions
Stategy packaging
1. Biaya Tetap (Fixed cost)
2. Biaya Variabel (Variable cost) - Per Produksi
3. Biaya Total (Total Cost)
4. Biaya dan Harga Per Unit (Cost and Price each Unit)
5. Modal Awal (Initial Capital)
6. Analisis Titik Impas (Break Even Point)
7. Analisis Keuntungan ( profit analysis)
8. Pengembalian Modal ( capital development)

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