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Maria Full Of Grace

Maria full of Grace features a 17 year old Columbian girl (Catalina Sandino Moren)
called Maria.
The Flower Factory :
She works in a flower factory to help support her family with her friend Blanca
(Yenny Paola Vega ).
The conditions in the factory are not good and when Maria isn't feeling well and asks
to go to the toilet, her boss says no and she decides that she doesnt deserve to be
treated the way he treats her so she quits.
Taken for Granted:
Maria then goes with her mother and sister to the clinic where she is forced to hand
over her pay check to pay for her nephews medicine. She makes a big deal about
handing over the money she worked for but her mother and sister argued with her
until she gave up and handed over the money. Maria felt it was unfair as her sister
didnt work but she had to.
Something to tell :
She then has to explain to her sister Diana ( Johanna Andrea Mora) that
she could no longer support the whole family including Diana's son as
she no longer worked in the factory. This news makes her family mad
and they called her selfish and try to convince her to get her job back
but she refuses and insists she will get another job.

Looking For Work:

Maria then goes to a party with her friend Blanca. This is where she first
meets Franklin ( John lex Toro). On her way to find another job once
again Maria meets Franklin, he convinces her that he can get her a really
good paying job but it would involve traveling. Reluctantly she
The Interview:
This is when Maria meets Javier (Jaime Osorio Gmez). Javier asks Maria a
number of questions and once he is happy with her answers he offers her a job
as a mule and once again she reluctantly accepts. He explains the conditions of
the job, she cannot tell anyone why she is really travelling to America, she cannot
turn back once she has accepted, she will get paid $100 per pellet but some
money would be taken out to pay for visas and tickets.

Home Truths:
When Maria gets home she tells her family that she had gotten a job in another
city and she has to go away for a couple days. Maria also tells her boyfriend Juan
(Wilson Guerrero) that she is pregnant, they fight about what to do as he
suggests they get married and move in together into his already full house even
though they don't love each other. Maria got mad at his suggestion and says she
wants nothing to do with him and that she would sort it out herself.
Maria meets Lucy (Guilied Lopez) who is a drug mule who has already gone
travelling twice, she helps Maria prepare to swallow the pellets by swallowing
grapes without chewing and explains to make sure the packaging of the pellets is
secure as if they break she will die. She explains that her sister lives in America
and she hasnt seen her in years the last two times she has gone Lucy has tried to
go talk to her but she can't bring herself to go.
Sixty Two:
This is when Franklin brings Maria to Javier so he can ensure that she swallows all
62 pellets.
Travel Sickness:
On the plane Maria sees Lucy, she looks pale and very unwell. She says she feels
sick and is scared that one of the pellets burst which is fatal. Maria helped her as
best she could but in order not to draw attention to them she couldnt make a
big deal about it. Maria realises she has lost the name of the hotel she will be
staying at so Lucy gives Maria her sisters address incase she is stopped by
boarder patrol.
Airport security felt Maria looked suspicious so they stopped and interrogated
her. After questioning her they weren't happy with her answers and felt she
might be carrying drugs in her stomach so they ask her for consent for an x-ray
but they are unable to as she is pregnant so they are unable to hold her so they
have to let her go.
Once she leaves the airport the men Javier sent to collect her very roughly throw her
into the van and bring her to the motel where they will be staying. She had to explain
that the fourth mule had been caught as they had done an X-ray on her just before
Maria was meant to do hers.
Lucy is now really sick and Maria is getting more worried, Lucy starts finding it hard to
stay awake and at one point it gets so bad that Maria had to put Lucy in the shower to
keep her awake. It didnt look good for Lucy and Maria tried to convince Javier's men to
call a doctor but they wouldn't.
Searching For Safety:
Maria woke up abruptly due to loud noises and when she wakes she can't find
either of Javier's guys or Lucy. So in a panic she woke Blanca and gathered all the
pellets and left to motel room in fear.

Maria remembers she has Lucy's sisters address and so she and Blanca make
their way to Carla's house (Patricia Rae) but when it appears Carla isn't home
Blanca and Maria had a fight about what to do so Maria finds her way into the
apartment block and Blanca in a rage walks away. Maria waits the whole day for
Carla to come home. When she finally does Maria explains to her that she is a
friend of Lucy and that Lucy said that she could stay with Carla if she needed to.
Carla was curious at first and explained that her husbands cousin stayed with
them and with the baby on its way there wouldn't be a lot of room but still she
let Maria stay.
Don Fernando:
Carla introduces Maria and Blanca to Don Fernando (Orlando Tobn)
who is meant to help them get a job as Carla is under the illusion that they
are going to stay in New York permanently. He finds out why the girls are in
New York and tells them to return the drugs before their families back
in Columbia got hurt, they also told him about Lucy so he notified the

Good News, Bad News:

After another fight about the drugs with Blanca, Maria was walking around trying
to figure out what to do. She went into a doctors and got an ultra sound, the
doctor said that the baby was healthy and explained that she was not to smoke,
drink or take drugs as anything you eat goes straight to your baby. Maria even
got to listen to the heartbeat. When Maria returned to Don Fernando he said
that the police found a body that had been cut open that they suspected was a
mule and he asked Maria to identify the body that was Lucy.
What Now ?
Maria can't bring herself to tell Carla that Lucy is dead but Don Fernando
calls to inquire about the arrangements and tells Carla who gets really mad
and kicks Maria and Blanca out. They then decide to call Javier's guys and
try get their money and fortunately they hadn't called Javier so they got
their money ad were told to be on their way

Blanca and Maria go to the airport to get on a plane back to Colombia but
after talking to Carla about the opportunities that her child will have if she
stays in America last minute before she gets on the plane she backs out
and doesnt get on the plane even though Blanca does.
Resumen Espaol
1) Maria es una jovencita nia de Columbia. ella es una trabajadora dura
2) No la gusta su trabajo y se cierra.
3) Ella consigue un trabajo droga mule con su amiga, Blanca.
4) Van a Amrica y se le hace preguntas por la polica.
5) llega al Hotel pero se asust y correr con la droga.
6) Ella se queda con su hermana de amigos.
7) Descubre que el beb es saludable.
8) Carla les dice irse porque mienten.
9) Ella devolvi la druga y consigue su dinero.
10) Blanca regresa a Colombia pero Blanca se queda a Colombia.
Maria -
Catalina Sandino

Blanca -
Yenny Paola Vega
Lucy -
Guilied Lopez

Diana -
Johanna Andrea Mora

Carla -
Patricia Rae
Wilson Guerrero

John lex Toro
Don Fernando - Orlando Javier - Jaime Osorio
Tobn and Gmez
I thought the movie was good, I felt the plot was intriguing and well-
written and that the actors portrayed their characters very well This
movie made me appreciate how easy and secure my life is. It is a very
interesting movie that had so many twists and turns throughout the
plot. The movie kept me on the edge of my seat and kept me guessing. I
would recommend it to teens I feel anyone younger wouldn't be able to
understand or even appreciate it as much as a more mature audience. I
learnt that it is important to be grateful for all the opportunities I have
and be fortunate enough not be in he situation the main character
Maria was in. I felt it was important to watch the film to help us
understand the struggles some people who are less fortunate than us
that have to go through similar situations to the movie or worse.

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