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What is Slum ?

A slum is an overcrowded area where dwellings

are unfit for human habitation.
What Causes the Slum ?

Rapid industrialisation.
Population Growth
Repair and maintanance
What are the Charachteristics of Slum ?

Fire Hazard
Health and Sanitation
Social Isolation
What are the Effects of Slum ?

Lack of amenities
Surroundings locality
Working Condition
Undesirable look
What is Slum Clearance ?

Complete removal of slum area from city

Objectives of slum clearance:-

To improve living area
To provide essential amenities
To improve the asthetic of a town
What are the Methods of slum clearance ?

Improvement methods
This methods is adopted where slums are due to poor drainage system and
unhealthy condition
Complete removal method
In this method, the slum area is completely cleaned out of existing locality
How to Prevent Slum Formation ?

Cheap housing
Construction of building
Compulsion to employers
Rent restriction
Maintenance and Repairs
Social education
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