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Dina Aulia

Kelas 1 F
Aplikasi Komputer
Negatives Of Zoos
There are many problems that come
with keeping animals in zoos. Unlike
their natural habitats where they can
freely roam, these establishments keep
them confined.
Captured animals that are brought to the
zoos tend to develop behavioral problems,
which causes concern for the overall well-
being of all the resident animals.
For those captured from the wild, it takes a
long time for them to adjust to being
confined, and once they manage to adjust,
they will be stressed out from the
adjustment experience.
Though zoos are seen positively when it
comes to the aspect of entertainment, the
fact that animals are captured and placed in
captivity for the sole purpose of human
amusement is one of the main reasons of the
existing anti-zoo campaigns.
One of the primary reasons for this problem
is the high cost of maintaining the resident
animals against the lesser income from the
visits by park customers and other funds.
While these establishments are really trying
to do their best to let animals mate, their
offspring are normally kept at the same zoo
or simply moved to another one, which does
nothing for the numbers of the species in
the wild.
Thank you

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