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2-year study and over 1,500 subjects.

Various teams were brought in at different stages to

conduct different types of analysis, and each interacted
with the other to triangulate the data.

Multiple methodologies (triangulation)

Focus groups are not enough.
Traditional consumer feedback.
Neuromarketing techniques.
Deep interview process called ZMET (The Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique).
In-store consumer behavior.

Half the subjects chose Pepsi.

Pepsi tended to produce a stronger response than Coke

in their brains ventromedial prefrontal cortex, a region
thought to process feelings of reward.

When the subjects were told they were drinking Coke

three-quarters said that Coke tasted better.

Their brain activity had also changed.

The lateral prefrontal cortex, an area of
the brain that scientists say governs
high-level cognitive powers, and the
hippocampus, an area related to
memory, were engaged.
Marketing to women, who snack twice as much as men.

Research and Inferences

Communication center in women is more developed, leading to
infer that women can process ads that contain more info.

Hippocampusthe memory and emotional centerwas larger,

and concluded women look more for characters they can
empathize with.

Anterior cingulated cortex, which processes decision-making

was larger in women, so they are more susceptible to feelings
of guilt.
100 women kept journals for a couple of weeksshowing
women feel guilty a lot about a lot. Conclusion: we cant
alleviate guilt, but we must be sure not to trigger it.

Marketing changes
Tone down packaging: not shiny yellow,
but beige.

Show off healthy ingredients.

Cartoon ads with empathetic figures,

like animated Sex in the City. Only in a
Womans World series.

Not girlie: no pink, no big calorie count.

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