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Ni’matul ulya
Pembina : dr prima isnaeni, mars
 Ny suprihatin / 52 tahun/ al-kautsar
 Keluhan utama: pasein mengeluhakan muncul keringat
 Pasien mengeluhkan muncul keringat dingin sejak 1 hr
yll. Keringat dingin muncul tiba-tiba tanpa dipengaruhi
aktivitas maupun saat pasien tidak melakukan aktifitas.
Nyeri di ulu hati sejak 1 hr yll. Mual sejak 1 hr yll.
Muntah (-). Riwayat berjalan ngongsrong sejak sore
tadi. Sore tadi pasien mengkonsumsi 4 macam obat
dari dokter, teteapi pasien lupa nama obat yang
 Nyeri dada menjalar dari tangan sampai ke lengan
dan leher (-), nyeri dada tembus ke belakang (-),
nyeri dada saat aktifitas fisik(-)
 BAB dan BAK dbn
 Riwayat penyakit dahulu: 6 bulan yll pasien
terdiagnosa hipertensi ssat itu tensi 200/x, tetapi
tidak rutin minum obat.
Pemeriksaan fisik
General appearance: looks moderately ill
Level of consciousness : compos mentis, GCS 456
BP : 130/100 mmHg
PR : 161 x/mnt , irregular sat o2 : 98%
RR : 21 x/mnt
T ax: 37 ⁰C

Head : Conjunctiva anemis - , ict -/ -

Neck : JVP (R + 0 cmH2O)
Thorax : COR : ictus invisible +
ictus palpable at 2 cm lat ICS V MCL S
LHM : ictus
S1, S2, single,mur-mur (-)
Pemeriksaan fisik
 Pulmo : Rhonki -/- , wheezing -/-
 Abdomen : Soefl, flat, bowel sound normal, H
unpalpable , /L unpalpable
 Ekstremitas : akral hangat, edema tungkai -/-
Ekg saat di igd
Laboratory Finding Value
Leucocyte 9970 /µL 3600-11000
Hb 14.6 gr/dL 11.7-15.5
Hematokrit 45.0 % 35-47
Thrombocyte 259000 /µL 150000-440000
MCV 84.1 fL 80-100
MCH 27.3 pg 26-34
MCHC 19 g% 0-20
Eosinofil 5.8 % 2-4
Basofil 0.3 % 0-1
Neutrofil 69.8 % 50-70
Limfosit 14.9 % 25-40
Monosit 9.2 % 2-8
Eritrosit 5.35 3.8-5.2x10^6
Laboratory Finding Value

BUN 14 mg/dL 7-18

Ureum 29 mg/dL 17-38
Creatinine 1.0 mg/dL <1,2
SGOT 56 U/L 0 – 41
SGPT 45 U/L 0 – 41
Ptt 8.9 mg/dL 7.9-10.3
Inr 0.89 mg/dL
Aptt 28.9 mg/dl 20.0-30.3
calcium 1.19 mm/jam 1.10-1.35
Natrium 146 mmol/L 136 – 145
Kalium 3,6 mmol/L 3,5 – 5,0
Chloride 103 mmol/L 98 – 106
CXR AP asimetris less inspiration
Soft tissue : thin
Bones: Normal
Costae D : Normal
S : Normal
ICS : D: normal
S: Normal
Trachea: at middle
Hillus : D: thickening
S : thickening
Cor :
Site: Normal
Size : cardiomegali
Shape : dte
Hemidiaphragm : D : tenting
S : tenting
Sinus costophrenicus: D: sharp
S : sharp
Pulmo :
D /s : normal

 ADHF profile A ec CAD
 HT st 2
 ivfdns 8 tpm
 02 nasal canul 4 lpm

 Digoxin 0.25mg  evaluasi ekg 6 jam post injeksi

 Pradaxa (dabigatran) 2x110mg

 Simvastatin 1x20mg

 Concor (bisoprolol) 1x2.5mg

 Carcade (ramipril) 1x5mg

 Furosemid bolus 40 mg selanjutnya 3x20 mg

Ny s / 70y.o/ 1. HF 1. ADHF •EKG 6 jam •Oksigen 4 lpm S, VS
Px datang dengan keluhan 2. CLBB post injeksi Restriksi
keluar keringat dingin sejak 1 3. AF RVR digoxin • IVFD NS 0,9% 8 cairan
hr yll, nyeri ulu hati sejak 1 hr 4. HT ST 2 •Ekg setiap tpm
yll. Nyeri dada -, nyeri dada hari •DIGOXIN 0.25
menjalar ke tangan dan leher •DL, LFT,RFT, MG IV Evaluasi
sampai tembus ke belakang -. SE, APTT, ekg 12 lead post
Mual sejak 1 hr yll. Riwayat PTT, INR inejksi
ngongsrong sejak 1 hr yll. •FOTO •Pradaxa 2x110
Riw HT tidak terkontrol sejak THORAX mg
6 bln yll. AP •Simvastatin 1x20
•Td 130/100 mmhg mg
•Nadi 161 irregular •Concor 1x2.5 mg
•RR: 21x/menit •Carcade 1x5 mg
•Sat 02:98 •Furosemidu bolus
Auscultation rh-/- wh -/- 40 mg iv lanjut
Eritrosit 5.35 3x20 mg
Ot/pt 56/45
Natrium 146

Dari CXR : cardiomegali

ADHF (ncbi)
 Acute decompensated heart failure can be defined
as the sudden or gradual onset of the signs or
symptoms of heart failure requiring unplanned
office visits, emergency room visits, or
 pulmonary and systemic congestion due to
increased left- and right-heart filling pressures is a
nearly universal finding in ADHF
Hemodinamic px
Therapy (ncbi)
 The management of ADHF remains challenging,
even for skilled clinicians. As noted, proper
management generally requires a combination of
diuretics, vasodilators, and occasionally inotropic
support, to achieve the goal of a euvolemic and
adequately perfused patient

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