Nutrisi Pada Infant - Umi

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DR. dr. Dina Keumala Sari, MG, SpGK

6-8 months 9-12 months
Iron fortified cereals for infants Table food
Vegetables /strained Chopped and well cooked
Fruits /strained Table meats offered
Meats/strained or chopped table meats Small finger foods
Finger foods: biscuits, oven dried toast Intoduce spoon
Well cooked mashed or chopped table Juice or formula by cup

Suggested age for the

foods prepared without added salt or

Introduction of juice,
semisolid, and table
• Full term infants who are breast-fed to satiety and infants
whoa are fed a standard 20 kcal/oz meet their energy
• Carefully monitor gains in
• Weight
• Lenght
• Head circumference
• Weight for lenght for age (WHO)
• Important to recognize first year

Age (weeks) Behavior
4-12 Draws head away fro the nipple
Falls asleep
When nippleis reinserted, closes lips tightly
Bites nipple, purses lips, or smiles and lets go
16-24 Releases nipple and withdraws head
Fusses and cries
Obstructs mouth with hands
Pays more attention to surroundings
Bites nipple
28-36 Change posture
Keeps mouth tifhtly closed
Shakes head as if to say “no”
Play with utensils
Uses hands more actively
Throws utensils
40-52 See behaviors list for previous age range
Sputters with toungue and lips
Hands bottle or cup to mother

Satiety behaviors in infant

• Protein needed for tissue replacement, deposition of lean body
mass, and growth
• Higher per kg of weight than those for older children or adults
• Recommedations based on the composition of human milk
(assumed that the efficiency of human milk use 100%)
• Larger percentage od total amino acids as essential amino
acids than do adults
• From 6-12 months of life, the diet should be supplemented
with additional sources of high-quality protein such as yoghurt,
strainde meat, cereal mixed with human or formula milk

• Consume 30 g of fat per day
• Present inhuman milk and all infant formulas
• Skim-milk feedings lower fat inadequate total energy
• Human milklinoleic acid and alpha linolenic acid the
longer chain derivatives arachidonic acid (ARA) and
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
• Alpha linolenic acid omega 3 0.5 g/day during first

• Supply 30-60% of energy intake during infancy
• Derived from lactose or other carbohydrates (40-50%)
• Cannot tolerate lactose requred modified formula
• Honey and corn syrup should not be fed to infants
younger than 1 year-> botulism spore development

• Aount lost from the skin and lungs and inthe feces and
• Recommended: 0.7 L/day for infants up to 6 months and
0.8 L/day for infants 7-12 monts of age
• Vulnerable water imbalance
• When formula is boiled water evaporates and the
solutes become concentrated inappropriated for infant
• Very hot, humid environtments additional water
• Vomiting and diarrhea fluid and electrolyte imbalances

Age Water req. (mL/kg/day)
10 days 125-150
3 mo 140-160
6 mo 130-135
1 yr 120-135
2 yr 115-125
6 yr 90-100
10 yr 70-85
14 yr 50-60

Water requirements

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