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 The verb to be is the most irregular verb in the English language.

It is normally a
linking verb showing existence or the condition of the subject. It can also be used
as an auxiliary verb when forming the passive voice.
 First form of verb : is, am, are
 Second form of verb : was, were
 3rd form of verb : been
These are use to indicate family relation.
To show position or job.
To express quality of someone or something.
 Examples :
 He is my elder brother. (relation)
 I am an English teacher. (Job)
 Adeel is brave. (Quality)
 Regular : With regular verbs, the rule is easy...

The past simple and past participle always end in -ed:

 Stop stopped stopped
 Wash washed washed
 Finish finished finished
 Work worked worked
 Open opened opened
But with irregular verbs, there is no rule...

Sometimes the verb sing sang sung

changes completely:

Sometimes there is "half" buy bought bought

a change:

Sometimes there is no cut cut cut


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