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An Introduction to

Carl Youngblood
CSEP 590
Problems with PKI
 Sender must have
recipient’s certificate
 Complexity of certificate
management and CRLs
 Security paradox –
Certificate database
exposes organization
Enter Identity-Based Cryptography
 Cryptography for unprepared
 Public keys are some attribute
of a user’s identity, such as an
email address, phone number,
or biometric data
 Sender only needs to know
recipient’s identity attribute to
send an encrypted message
 Recipient need not interact with
the system until after receiving
an encrypted message.
History of IDC
 Proposed by Shamir in 1984
 Shamir came up with a working system for
identity-based signature (IDS), but no system
for identity-based encryption (IDE)
 First IDE system discovered in 2001 by
Boneh and Franklin, based on Weil
 Currently hot topic in cryptography
Identity-based encryption (IDE)
Identity-based signature (IDS)
Security of IDC
 Most IDC schemes are based on bilinear non-
degenerate maps. These have the property:
 Pair(a · X, b · Y) = Pair(b · X, a · Y)
 Operator · refers to multiplication of a point on an
elliptic curve by integers
 Though unproven, the assumption is that these
maps are one-way.
 Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Assumption, because
BDH problem reduces to it.
Advantages of IDC
 No user preparation required – most compelling
 No PKI management or certificate database
 Inherent key escrow, though a drawback, allows
for some additional benefits:
 No client-side installation required; PKG can encrypt
and sign messages for the user, in a web-based
messaging application, for example.
 Policy-based automatic outbound message
 Users’ keys may be kept on the PKG, which is more
secure than users’ workstations.
 “Chameleon” signatures – only recipient can verify
Disadvantages of IDC
 Inherent key escrow
 Weakens non-repudiation
 Variants being developed to overcome this weakness
 No key revocation
 If
private key gets compromised, do I have to get a
new identity?
 Can be fixed by appending validity timestamp to
public key
 PKG requires extremely high level of assurance,
since it holds all private keys and must remain
 Stanford IBE system
 Voltage Security, Inc.
 Proofpoint, Inc.
 IBC has some weaknesses but is much
easier to use than PKI
 For its advocates, IBC provides a more
reasonable balance between security and
 High level of research is a good
demonstration of its potential

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