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1 The Paleolithic Age

1. Paleolithic Age – Old Stone Age
- 2.3 million – 10,000 yrs. ago
- no written records
- scientists believed that people only lived on the
grasslands of eastern and southern Africa
- climate change caused migration
- land bridges connected Africa to southern
Europe and southwestern Asia
2. People – lived in bands of 30
- searched for food in their home territory
- women and children gathered berries, fruits, nuts , and eggs
- men hunted
- average life span 20-25 yrs.
- made tools mostly from stone
- Olduvan pebble tools found in Olduvai Gorge
- learned to make fire
- protection
- warm
- dry
- food
- clear land
- made clothing from animal skin
- warm
- dry
- allowed for migration
- language
- simple sounds or pointing
- share ideas
- work together
- pass down stories
3. Man – Homo-habilis
- 1st people
- skillful man
- Homo-Erectus
- man who walks upright
- Homo-Sapien
- man who thinks
- 2 types
- Neanderthal
- good hunters
- made houses
- bury dead
- Cro-Magnon
- 1868
- “modern man”
- skilled tool makers
- burin
- ax
- jewelry
- better hunters = more food
- cave paintings
- religion

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