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An Introduction to C++

Dave Klein
Research Analyst
Credit Derivatives Research LLC
Two Grooks
Problems worthy of attack,
prove their worth by hitting back.


Shun advice at any price,

that's what I call good advice.
Piet Hein

This Session
 Overview of C++
 Program syntax
 Classes
 Pointers
 Arrays
 Strings
 Using Numerical Recipes
 Integrating with your project
 Sample program – Geometric Brownian Motion (if time)
 Next Session – using C++ to model a derivative

Things we won’t cover
 Object-oriented Design / Programming
 The “right” way to do anything
 Software developers are fond of having
“religious” discussions
 In the MFE, there is no time

 Professional-level programming practice

C++ Overview
 C++ is about 25 years old
 Originally created as a successor to C
 C was created about 35 years ago as a more generic
assembly language
 C++ is a very “big” language
 Ithas many, many features
 Recommendation: during MFE program, only use
fundamental language features
 Unless you are an expert, avoid constructs like templates,
polymorphism, operator overloading, multiple inheritance

C++ Overview con’t
 C++ is a “dangerous” language
 It is easy to introduce bugs
 It is often difficult to track them down
 Tip: build and test your programs

Language Features – Program
 Program Syntax
 Functions / methods
 Loops
 Conditional statements
 Hopefully, syntax is not completely new to
you. If it is, think about using a more
familiar computer language.

Program Syntax (con’t)

 Functions
// this is a comment Function name
return type int myFirstFunction(int a, int b, double c)
int rc = a + b + c; The function’s code
return rc;
Return the value

Program Syntax (con’t)

 For loop
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
... do something ...

 Do loop ...
i = 0;
... do something ...
} while (i < 100);

Program Syntax (con’t)

 If statement
if (i == 10) IMPORTANT: Note the
{ double equal signs (==) to
.. do something .. test for equality
} else {
.. do something else

 Classes provide the basic data/code
organization construct within C++
 Classes are (roughly) comprised of two parts:
 Data members (properties)
 Code members (methods)
 Class support inheritance – we don’t have time
to cover this
 Recommendation – if you are not familiar with
inheritance, do not try to learn how to use it during the

Classes (con’t)
class myFirstClass
// Some properties
int integerProperty;
double floatingPointProperty;
char characterArray[254];

// some methods
// a constructor
integerProperty = 12;
floatingPointProperty = 25.2;
strcpy(characterArray, "yo yo yo");

// a destructor
virtual ~myFirstClass()

void doSomething()
... some code would go here ...
Classes con’t
 There are other features to classes
 Information hiding (public, protected, private)
 Virtual functions

 They are extremely powerful and useful,

but now is not the time to play with these.

Classes con’t
 Classic interview question: What is the
difference between a class and an object?

 Better interview question: Can an object

ever be a class?


 Pointers are a special type of variable

 Pointers hold the address of data, not the
 Pointers must be assigned values before
they can be used.

Pointers (con’t)

 Pointers are a special type of variable

 Pointers hold the address of data, not the data

int a1; // a1 is not a pointer

int *a2; // a2 is a pointer

a1 = 10;
a2 = &a1; // a2 now points to a1

*a2 = 5; // we ‘dereference’ a2 to assign a value

printf("%d %d\n", a1, *a2); // what will this print?

Pointers (con’t)

 Be very careful with pointers

 Someone once estimated that 90% of all C++
bugs can be traced back to bad pointers

Memory Allocation / Arrays

 C++ supports both statically and

dynamically allocated arrays
 If you dynamically allocate an array, make
sure to deallocate it when you are done
using it.
 Makesure you are really done using it before
you deallocate!

Memory Allocation / Arrays (con’t)


int myArray[10]; // this is statically allocated array

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

// Assign a value to each member of the array
// Notice that the array is 'referenced' from 0 to 9
// Arrays in C++ 'start' at 0
myArray[i] = i * i + 1;


Memory Allocation / Arrays (con’t)

// this is dynamically allocated array

// it looks suspiciously like a pointer!
int *myArray;

// first we allocate it
myArray = new int[10];

// this is what a for loop looks like

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// Assign a value to each member of the array
// Notice that the array is 'reference' from 0 to 9
// Arrays in C++ 'start' at 0
myArray[i] = i * i + 1;

// now we deallocate it
delete[] myArray;

... 20
Memory Allocation / Arrays con’t
 Question: when should you dynamically
allocate an array?

 When should static allocation be used?

Strings (or lack thereof)

 C++ does not have a standard string class

 There is a string class within the Standard Template
Library (STL)
 Unless you know how to use the STL, ignore it for this
 Recommendation: for output, debugging purposes –
learn how to use printf, sprintf, fprintf
 The ‘classic’ way of handling strings is to treat them
as arrays of char’s. Then use strcpy, strcmp, etc.

Strings (or lack thereof) – printf()

 printf() enables the formatting of character

 printf(format_string, data1, data2, …)
 Example:
 printf(“This is a %s %d %lf test\n”,
“printing”, 2, 5.005)
 Produces: This is a printing 2 5.005 test<lf>

Using Numerical Recipes
 There are many numerical libraries available
 Numerical Recipes for C++ is easy to use
 If you do not have NR, search on-line for numerical class
 Do not write your own random-number generator
 Do not write your own matrix classes
 Do not implement complex numerical algorithms if there are
“canned” routines already available
 Exception: if the goal of a homework assignment is to implement
an algorithm.

Using Numerical Recipes con’t
 Warning: there are “Numerical Recipes”
books for FORTRAN, C, C++, etc.
 Each one is slightly different
 NR originally implemented in FORTRAN
 C & C++ versions different enough from
each other to cause problems
 For example, arrays in C version are handled
differently than in C++ version

Using Numerical Recipes con’t
 Three different ways to add NR to your project
1. Recommended : copy the files you need (including
nr.h) to your project directory and add the cpp files
to your project
2. Build a static library or DLL with all the NR routines
in them
3. Copy the code directly from the NR files into your
code files

Using Numerical Recipes con’t
 Example: Using an NR random number
 Problem: Want standard normal
pseudorandom variable
 Solution: use gasdev() from NR

Using Numerical Recipes con’t
#include <time.h>
#include "nr.h"


// let's generate 100 standard normal variables

double normals[100];

// seed the random number generator

int idum = -time(NULL);

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)

normals[i] = NR::gasdev(idum);


Putting it All Together – A
Geometric Brownian Motion Class
 We want to:
 Model drift, diffusion
 Reuse the same object over and over to
generate different paths

GBM con’t
 Our class properties
 m_nSInitial – the initial security value (constant)
 m_nDrift – the drift term (constant)
 m_nSigma – our volatility term (constant)
 m_nCurrentTime – the current ‘time’ in our simulation
 m_nSCurrent – the current security value
 Our class methods
 CGBMotion - our constructor
 void step – moves time forward
 double getCurrentValue – returns m_nSCurrent
 void reset - resets current time & security value

#include <math.h>
#include "nr.h"

class CGBMotion
// our properties
int m_nIdum; // used by NR::gasdev
double m_nSInitial; // initial security value (constant)
double m_nDrift; // our drift (constant)
double m_nSigma; // our volatility (constant)
double m_nCurrentTime; // the current elapsed time
double m_nCurrentDiffusion; // how much the process has diffused

Code con’t
. . .
// our constructor
CGBMotion(double nSInitial, double nDrift, double nSigma, int seed)
m_nSInitial = nSInitial;
m_nDrift = nDrift;
m_nSigma = nSigma;
m_nCurrentTime = 0;
m_nCurrentDiffusion = 0;
m_nIdum = seed;

Code con’t
. . .

void step(double nTime)

double nDeltaT = nTime - m_nCurrentTime; // how much time has elapsed?
if (nDeltaT > 0)
// some time has elapsed
// add to our diffusion relative to sqrt of elapsed time
m_nCurrentDiffusion += sqrt(nDeltaT) * NR::gasdev(m_nIdum);

// update our current time

m_nCurrentTime = nTime;

Code con’t
. . .

double getCurrentValue()
return m_nSInitial * exp(m_nDrift*m_nCurrentTime
- .5* m_nSigma * m_nSigma*m_nCurrentTime
+ m_nSigma*m_nCurrentDiffusion)

double reset()
m_nCurrentTime = 0;
m_nCurrentDiffusion = 0;


GBM Sample Program
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
CGBMotion oGBM(100.0, .05, .2, -10); // our brownian motion object

// run 10000 simulations

for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
double t = 0;

// run 100 time steps

for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
t = t + .01;

// print the results

printf("%02d: Simulated value %lf\n", i, oGBM.getCurrentValue());

return 0;
} 35
3 Great Resources
 Wikipedia:
 Wilmott:
 Google (of course) :

Questions / Discussion


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