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Muscular and Skeletal Systems

By: Sadie, Vivian, and Kelsey

The Project: Materials And Procedure

● Flexible Silicone bathroom sealant

● Straws
● String
● Nails
● Wax paper


● Traced a hand onto wax paper and spread on a layer of sealant

● Laid down 5 straws along the hand one for each finger and covered the entire hand in sealant
● Threaded the string through each straw and added a nail at the end to stop the string
● Lastly, we cut notches in each finger to help it bend
The Project: Function and Modeling
Function: To bend and be controlled showing how the nerves connect from the brain to the hand.
Also, mimicking the encasing of the bone and how it moves.

Modeling: The flexibility of the silicone allows for the reaction of the finger to bend when the string is
pulled. The nail stops the string from going to the end of the hand and allows it to move.
Skeletal System: Structure
Layers of the bone:

1. Dense tough outer layer (cortical)

2. Spongy flexible bone (trabecular)
3. Jelly like bone marrow

Two parts of the bone structure:


-80 bones total -126 bones total

-Consists of vertebra, the rib cage, and the skull -Consists of pectoral and pelvic girdles, upper
and lower limbs

Connected by network of ligaments, tendons, and cartilage for support

Skeletal System: Function and Remodeling
● Helps with support, movement, blood cell production, protection, calcium storage and enzyme
● Two-step process of remodeling to keep functioning & carry out tasks
○ Resorption: osteoclasts (special cells) break down and remove old tissue
■ Osteoclasts and osteoblast are regulated by hormones such as calcitonin,
parathyroid hormone, vitamin D, estrogen (in women), and testosterone (in men)
○ Formation: new bone laid down to replace old
● Deficiency in any hormone needed in remodeling process can lead to disease (osteoporosis)
What is the Nervous System?
● “a complex network of nerves and cells that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal
cord to various parts of the body” (News Medical Life Sciences)
● 2 parts of system
○ Central nervous system
■ Brain and spinal cord
○ Peripheral nervous system
■ Somatic and autonomic nervous systems
● Basic units: neurons
○ Specialized conductor cell that receives and transmits electrochemical nerve impulses
○ Has a cell body and long arms that conduct impulses from one body part to another body
Central Nervous System
● The central nervous system (CNS) is made up of the brain, the spinal cord, and the optic
● The central nervous system controls thought processes, guides movement, and registers
sensations throughout the body.
● The spinal cord is a single continuous structure that goes from the brain through the base of
the skull and down the spinal column. Individual paired spinal nerves continue down to the
● The optic nerves are at the back of the eye and carry visual information from the eye to the
● Injuries or diseases that affect the central nervous system can sometimes cause permanent
loss of function and disability.
Peripheral Nervous System
● Connects central nervous system to sensory organs
● Made up of 12 cranial nerves, the spinal nerves and roots, and the
autonomic nerves (bundles of axons or fibers)
○ Sensory/afferent nerves contain fibers that carry signals from the senses to the central
nervous system
○ Motor/efferent nerves contain axons of motor neurons that activate the muscles and
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