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The Viking ships were 15 meters long, and they had a

mast and textile sails.

When there was a little or no wind, the ship was rowed
with four meters long ores, this was a remarkable
charasteristic; the ships were not dependent of the wind.

The reason the Scandinavians were so superior at sea was

that they invented the keel.
Boats with a keel could not only be rowed, but sailed as
Thanks to the keel the ships could be built wider and
more seaworthy.
If you wonder how the vikings could have disappeared if they were
so violent and powerful, the reason their conquering and occupation
of many regions finished could have been their conversión to
Christianity by absorbing the beliefs of the regions thet they
During the Viking age, many Scandinavians who settled in Christian
countries were converted to the new religion.

The Vikings had many gods, according to the Eddas (a collection of

Norse poems) the most powerful god was the one-eyed Odin.
Probably the most popular god, however, was Thor, who was stupid
incredibly strong.
As it was said before, Vikings adopted Christianity from the regions
they conquered. They came into contact with Christianity through
their raids, and when after settling in lands with a Christian
population, they adopted Christianity. This happened in Normandy
,Ireland,and throughout the British Isles.

By the mid-11th century, Christianity was well established in Denmark

and most Norway. Although there was a temporary conversion in Sweden
in the early 11th century, it wasn’t until the mid-12th century that
Christianity was established in this place.

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