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Sejarah mekatronik
• Awal diperkenalkan di Jepang oleh Yaskawa Electronic Corp. awal tahun 1970-
• Mekatronika  mechanical/mechanism + electronics
• Definisi mekatronik leh Yaskawa :
mechatronics, is composed of “mecha” from mechanism and the
“tronics” from electronics. In other words, technologies and developed
products will be incorporating electronics more and more into mechanisms,
intimately and organically, and making it impossible to tell where one ends and
the other begins.
Definisi Mekatronika
• blending of mechanical, electronic, and computer engineering into an
integrated design and implementation. Mechatronics systems employ
microprocessors and software as well as special-purpose electronics.
• Integration of microprocessor contrl system, electrical system and
mechanical system (Bolton, mechatronics)
• Perpotongan dari sistem mekanik, elektronik, control dan computer
Komponen utama sistem mekatronika
Area studi mekatronik:
1. Pemodelan sistem fisik (Physical Systems Modeling)
2. Sensors and Actuators
3. Signals and Systems
4. Computers and Logic Systems
5. Software and Data Acquisition
• Hard automation: This kind of automation cannot handle product design
variations, mass production for example; conventional machinery, packaging,
sewing and manufacturing small parts. Adjustability is possible but it can only
handle specific tasks with no possibility of changing its own task. These
machines can be seen in our homes (washing machines, dish washers, etc).
• Programmable Automation: This form of automation began with the arrival of
the computer. People began programming machines to do a variety of tasks. It
is flexible because of a computer control, can handle variations, batch product,
and product design.
Aplikasi mekatronik
• Pada mobil : Transmisi automatis, system suspense aktif, anti-lock
braking system (ABS), sistem pengkondisi udara, tampilan kecepatan,
putaran mesin dan level bahan bakar
• Perancangan sensor/transducer
• Peralatan medis dan lab
• Peralatan rumah tangga dan perkantoran : mesin cuci, mesin hisap
debu, mesin pembuat kopi
• Dunia penerbangan
Aplikasi robot
• Welding painting


Adaptive cruise control
Optomekatronika : optoelektronik +mekatronika
• Pengertian :
• Cth: laser printer
Biomekatronika : mekanika+elektronika+biologi
• Cth : kaki tiruan Hugh Herr di MIT menggunakan computer yang mampu
mengendalikan lutut
Penggolongan system mekatronika berdasar
teori pengembangan system :
• Sistem mekatronika konvensional , cth: printer, lengan robot, lift
• Micro-electro mechanical (MEMS) /micromachines/micro system
tech: ukuran lebih kecil (20µm-1 mm),kemampuan otomatis, fungsi
pengindaeraan &gerak sendiri atau sebagai sub system. Cth: printer
inkjet menggunakan piezoelectrics atau thermal bubble ejection;
akselerometer mobil cth pada airbag deployment system; kompas
digital hp
• Nano-electo-mechanical system : umumnya gabungan komponen
seperti transistor dalam ukuran nano +actuator mekanik, pompa,
motor, sensor (fisik, biologi, kimia) cth: robot bedah mikro
• Beri contoh sebuah sistem mekatronika dan sebutkan komponen utama di
dalam sistem tersebut

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