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About Me

Born 3 months early

Weighed 1 lb 15 oz
Dropped to 1 lb then gained 5 oz.
-all in a week
Head was the size of an apple
Dads wedding ring fit around my wrist
Biggest Accomplishment
• Being the first person in my family to graduate high school.
Biggest Fear -Birds

• The 1963 movie “The Birds”

Favorite Restaurant/Meal

Applebee’s, Fiesta Lime Chicken

Very Family Oriented
3 Piercings, 2 Tattoos
Belly Ring, Nose ring, Ear rings
Random Facts

I am the oldest and have one sister.

I have a kitten named Brooke, and a puppy named Nova.
At my parents house I have a Boxer named Chase.
I was a server at Ihop for 3 years.
• I’ve been with my boyfriend since my freshman year of high school!
• I moved out of my parents house, and in with my best friends at 17 years old.

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