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TYPOGRAPHY - The main way in which we developed

the style of an EDM magazine ad is mainly through our

font and text display. This font is one representative of
the EDM genre, however, we have developed this
feature by increasing the size of the letters for the title of
the track but kept the words before smaller. Not only
this, but all letters are kept lowercase, making the
letters appear more spaced out. Often, text is kept
large and capitalised so this is an aspect we have
challenged also. Another development is the fact that
we chose to put a block colour in the mirror only rather
than across the whole poster as EDM posters often do.

Our Magazine ad Example:

We challenged the typical EDM magazine ad by keeping

ours rather simplistic. Often, EDM magazine ad’s fill the
whole frame with colour and other (occasionally random)
symbols or shapes. We centred our image on a white
background so that a border was created. The image used
is also one that can be related to what can be seen in the
music video which isn’t something that is commonly done
on an EDM poster. The text is also kept black which goes
against ordinary EDM texts that are often bold and
coloured, seen in the example poster on the right.

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