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The Philosophies of

Cheyenne Espinal
Life Philosophy:
“Life can only be understood backwards; But it must be lived forwards”.
-Soren Kierkegaard
In life, there will be many times that you want to go back in time to change what you had done
before, but we as human beings know that that is not possible. I want to be able to look back at my
life knowing that I lived every moment to its fullest. To not have any regrets, to know that in the
moment of a decision, I was making the best decision possible. I want to move forward with all the
ones I love and care for, knowing that I am where I need to be and that God always has a plan for

Teacher Philosophy:
“Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on the,
who understands the power of connection and insists that they become
the best that they can possibly be”.
Rita F. Pierson
In becoming a teacher, I believe that means being the best you can be in
order to expect that of anyone else. I want to be that teacher that inspires
children to strive to be the best and to believe in themselves no matter
what. To shape the minds of little humans that will become our future
one day. I want to make connections with my students to better
understand who they are and what it is that they need in order to

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