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Kimia Analitik

What is chemistry?

• Chemistry is the study of matter, including its composition,

physical properties, and reactivity.
• There are many approaches to study chemistry, but, for
convenience, we traditionally divide it into five fields:
organic, inorganic, physical, biochemical, and analytical.
• Although this division is historical and arbitrary, as a
witnessed by the current interest in interdisciplinary areas
such as bioanalytical and organometallic chemistry, these
five fields remain the simplest division spanning the
discipline of chemistry.
+Apa itu Kimia Analitik?
What is analytical chemistry?
“Analytical chemistry is what analytical chemists do.”

• Analytical chemistry is often described as the area of chemistry

responsible for characterizing the composition of matter, both
qualitatively (what is present) and quantitatively (how much is

• The craft of analytical chemistry is not in performing a routine

analysis on a routine sample (which is more appropriately called
chemical analysis), but in improving established methods,
extending existing methods to new types of samples, and
developing new methods for measuring chemical phenomena.
Chemical Analytical
analysis chemistry

 routine analysis on a routine

sample using established method
Common Analytical Problems
Operate at the edges of analysis,
on smaller samples, on more
complex samples, on shorter time
Typical problems on which
scales, onanalytical chemists
species present at lower
work include: concentrations.
• Qualitative analyses (what is present?)
• Quantitative analyses(how much is present?)
• Characterization analyses (what are the
material’s chemical and physical properties?)
• Fundamental analyses (how does this
method work and how can it be improved?)

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Bidang ilmu lain?
+ What is the “analytical perspective”?

1. Identify and define the problem.

2. Design the experimental procedure.

3. Conduct an experiment, and gather data.

4. Analyze the experimental data.

5. Propose a solution to the problem.

Flow diagram for the analytical approach to solving problems

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