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Anggraeni Janar Wulan

And We have already created man and
know what His soul whispers to Him and We
are closer to Him than His Jugular Vein
(Quran 50 : 16)

 Gambar Leher

Surface anatomy

Structures palpable on the
anterior aspect of the neck

The lower border of the cricoid is an important level
the junction of the larynx with the trachea;

the junction of the pharynx with the oesophagus;
the level at which the inferior thyroid artery and the
middle thyroid vein enter the thyroid gland.
the level at which the vertebral artery enters the
transverse foramen in the 6th cervical vertebra;
the level at which the superior belly of the omohyoid
crosses the carotid sheath;
the level of the middle cervical sympathetic ganglion;
the site at which the carotid artery can be
compressed against the transverse
process of C6 (the carotid tubercle).

 Innervated by branch of cervicalis plexus
(cervical nerve 1 – 4).
 N. occipitalis minor.
 N.auricularis magnus.
 N.cutaneus colli
 N.supraclavicularis (anterior, media and
The fascials of the neck

 Fascia colli superfficialis or investing layer.
 Fascia colli media = pretracheal fascia.
 Fascia colli profunda = prevertebral fascia
The fascial compartments
of the neck

The triangle in the neck


Superficial muscles Deep muscles
 Scale
 Platysma (N.VII)  Praevertebralis
 M.Sternocleidomastoideu muscles
s (N.XI)  Larynx and pharynx
 M.Trapezius (N.XI.  Erector trunci
 Infrahyoideus muscles  Levator scapulae
 Suprahyoideus muscles muscles

Vaskularisation of the neck
 Communis Carotid artery

( what the differences
between right and left
 Eksternal carotid artery.
 Internal carotid artery

Negative feedback control of blood pressure

Venous drainage of the head and

The lymphatic system

Lymph nodes – clean the lymph and alert
the immune system to pathogens

Lymph nodes in the neck region
Superficial cervicalis lymph nodes
 Cut lying group
Deep cervicalis lymph nodes (superior,
media and inferior).

Right and Left Jugularis trunk

Subclavia vein and ductus thoracicucs

Nll occipitalis, retroauricularis, parotideus,
fascialis, submandibularis and submentalis are
called “ Cutlying group”

Described the nerve that find out in the neck region
- Fascialis nerve
- Glossopharingeus nerve
- Vagus Nerve
- Acessorius nerve
- Hypoglossus nerve
- Truncus sympathicus

- Collect your work on the day before your

laboratory class

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