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2 Learning curves and

What is a Learning Curve?
What is a Learning Plateau? how can it be
Learning Curve
Stage 1- Performer is at cognitive phase trying to develop
subroutines, attempts will seem uncoordinated with
little success
Stage 2- Rapid increase in performance as learner begins to
master the task. Performance is more fluid and executed with
Stage 3- Performer hits a plateau with little or no improvement.
May have reached limit of ability or become bored with task
Stage 4- Reduction in level of performance, possibly due to
fatigue/injury or a loss of motivation (Drive reduction)
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Why do Learning Plateaus
 Not physically ready to improve

 Lacks ability to develop current skills

 Earlier incorrect learning

 Fatigue

 Moving from a simple skill to a complex skill

 Boredom

 Lack of motivation to improve

 Goals set too high

 Poor coaching/teaching
How do you overcome a learning
• Ensure the performer is physically ready

• Reset the goal to ensure it is achievable

• Shorter practice/ Distributed practice avoiding boredom

• Break down skill into component parts if possible

• Allow time for mental rehearsal

• Generate motivation using external rewards

• Ensure accurate feedback is being regularly received

• Make practice enjoyable

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