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Grigore Vieru (born 14 February

,1935, the village Perera, Moldova –

death 18 January 2009, Chisinau)
was a Romanian poet originally
from Romania, who has lived in the
Republic of Moldova. Grigore Vieru
was born in a family of Romanian
laborers of Paul and Eudochia Vieru.
Grigore Vieru impresses with
beautiful works that include
beautiful topics: mother, love,
nature. Simple but very profound
,, I am grass. Simply can not be “- is
defined as the poet Grigore Vieru,
master of the word, loving realm,
language and nation. A poet with a
deep soul, with high sensitivity that
dedicates poems human soul.
Grigore Vieru knew how to combine
the most beautiful themes in his
work: speech, mother, home, love,
starry sky and others.
Beautiful poems that are part of
the works of Vieru are:”In your
Mother hands, I pray you mother,
Mother silence”and others.
A beautiful work that impresses
is” I pray” written by Grigore
Vieru. Grigore Vieru can be
called the writer of childhood
because childhood in his work is
one innocent.
” I pray”
I pray you, rain
When flight to planets
Drizzle mother mouth
And a thirst appear.
I pray you, forest
For all your years be-will
Includes warm them being
And a blizzard defend.
I pray you, grass,
Stroke and barefoot
Salt and heavy bone
And a disease appear.
I pray you, mountain,
Wardens Corps as a carry me
Kissing mother's eyes
And her death occur.

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