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Histology Departement
August 2008
Urinary System: Kidney, urinary passages
Passages include:
Renal Pelvis
Accessory parts include:
Urinary bladder

Flattened, bean-shaped ~4.5 inches long
Capsule: thin, fibrous, weakly attached (mostly collagenous fibers)
Interstitial C.T. – scant; entirely reticular tissue
Hilus: slit-like orifice – opens into expanded renal sinus, a flattened cavity
Renal sinus filled with: renal pelvis (expanded ureter); fat; C.T.;
blood vessels; nerves
Kidney cross-section
Renal Pelvis:
Subdivided into 2 or 3 major calyces
Major calyces (1) subdivide into 7 – 10 minor calyces (2)
Minor calyces fit over a renal papilla (3)

Kidney interior: largely parenchyma
Delicate reticulum replaces trabeculae & other supporting structures
Parenchyma: many long, tortuous secretory canals (nephrons)
Excretory ducts of nephrons discharge into minor calyces
Nephron + excretory duct = uriniferous tubule
Parenchyma divisible into Cortex & Medulla
Medulla (gray when fresh) composed of 10 – 15 renal
2 to 3 pyramids fuse: end in one papilla
i.e., 6 to 14 papillae / kidney (human)
Pyramids appear striate (tubules are straight)
Cortex ( brownish in life)
Inner border irregular
Over base of pyramid; between pyramids (Renal
columns of Bertin)
Nephron (Uriniferous Tubule) – Kidney is a compound gland
Uriniferous tubule composed of two parts:
Secretory tubule (nephron) & Collecting tubule

The physiological unit of the kidney used for filtration of blood and
reabsorption and secretion of materials
Unbranched; 35 mm. long
Includes straight portions & convoluted portions
1,300,000 tubules each kidney
Collecting tubules
part of a branched, tree-like system of excretory ducts
tubules are straight
Length: 21 mm. (each)
Parts of the Uriniferous Tubule
Consecutive portions differ structurally & functionally
(proximal means near the glomerulus & distal means nearer the papilla)
The parts starting from the proximal end, taken in order:
The Secretory Portion
Glomerular capsule of Bowman
Proximal Convoluted Tubule (including the
straight portion = thick, descending segment of
Henle’s loop)
Thin segment of Henle’s loop
Thick, ascending segment of Henle’s loop
Distal Convoluted Tubule
The Excretory (= duct) Portion
Arched Collecting Tubule (= junctional tubule)
Straight Collecting Tubule
Papillary Duct of Bellini
Uriniferous tubule segment locations are constant (recognizable regions)
3 primary topographical regions in kidney
Cortical labyrinth
Cortical ray
In each region, 3 different tubular segments easily recognized (marked with
Cortical Labyrinth
Glomerular capsule of Bowman*
Proximal Convoluted Tubule*
Thick, ascending segment of Henle’s loop
Distal Convoluted Tubule*
Arched Collecting Duct
Cortical Ray
Straight portion of Proximal Convoluted Tubule*
Thick Ascending Segment of Henle’s Loop*
Straight Collecting Tubule*

Straight portion of Proximal Tubule (thick, descending
segment of Henle’s Loop)
Thin segment of Henle’s Loop*
Thick, ascending segment of Henle’s Loop*
Straight Collecting Tubule; Papillary Duct of Bellini*
Tubule Characteristics
Epithelium is specific to each segment (secretory tubule)
Epithelium of excretory ducts is of one structural type
All rest on a basement membrane

Renal (Malpighian) Corpuscle

Spheroidal (0.2 mm. wide); Vascular glomerulus; Double-walled cup
(nearly surrounds glomerulus)
= rete mirabile
afferent arteriole enters, forms many loops (smaller bore)
efferent arteriole formed as loops unite; leaves glomerulus
afferent & efferent arterioles enter & leave together at vascular
Endothelium thin
Tunica media of afferent arteriole modified near entry point
Smooth muscle cells large, pale staining, lack myofibrils
= a myo-epitheliod cuff, the juxtaglomerular apparatus
Juxtaglomerular apparatus closely associated with macula
densa of ascending limb
Juxtaglomerular apparatus:
•Functions in the regulation of blood pressure
•Juxtaglomerular cells – secrete renin which activates angitensin (a
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
Glomerular Capsule
Bowman’s Capsule – an epithelial cup
Parietal (external) & visceral (internal) layer
both are simple squamous epithelium
cell boundaries; basement membrane - clear
Layers are continuous
Layers enclose space

Parietal & Visceral layers


Parietal layer

Visceral layer
Renal Corpuscle and the Filtration
Neck – very short segment of tubule!
Parietal layer opens into neck (urinary pole)
Rapid epithelial change: flat capsular cells rise to cuboidal then to
low columnar
Proximal Convoluted Tubule – longest (14 mm.), broadest (60 μ) tubule segment
Most of bulk of pars convoluta (cortex)
Remarkably contorted tubule!
Location: Immediate vicinity of renal corpuscle
Enters medullary (cortical) ray  in ray to medulla
Straightens in ray (= straight portion of proximal tubule or thick
descending segment of Henle’s loop)
Cells are low columnar
Cell limits indistinct
Nuclei: large, pale, spheroidal – 3 to 4 show in
transverse section
Free surface: brush border – resorpitive function
Thin Segment of Henle’s Loop
Location: boundary zone of medulla
Sharp transition from thick proximal tubule: reduced to 2 to 10 mm. long &
15 μ wide
Resembles a capillary but is larger & thicker walled
Short or long and recurved
If this part extends past apex of loop: makes sharp hair-pin bend
Interlocking cells – squamous with pale cytoplasm
Brush border is absent
Microvilli present (can see on EM)
Nuclei flat, bulge into lumen

Collecting Duct

Thin Segment

Thick, descending limb

Apex of Henle’s Loop:
A very sharp bend
If loop is deep into medulla  a long thin limb makes loop
If loop is high in medulla  the thick ascending segment is involved

Thick Ascending Segment of Henle’s Loop:

Straight, radial tubule – 9 mm. long & 30μ wide
Abrupt transition from thin limb into cuboidal epithelium
Cells – more deeply acidophilic than those of thin limb
Resemble cells of distal convoluted tubule
= straight portion of distal tubule
Enters a ray – ascends passing into labyrinth
Ends close to its glomerulus
In contact wit juxtaglomerular apparatus
= macula densa (cells taller, crowded, mass is elliptical)
Distal Convoluted Tubule:
Short segment – 5 mm. long; variable width (20 to 50 μ)
Many convolutions near Bowman’s Capsule
Differences with Proximal Convoluted Tubule
Epithelium lower (cuboidal)
Lumen larger
5 to 8 nuclei seen in transverse sections
Cytoplasm stains less intensely with acid dyes
Arched Collecting Tubule:
Short junctional segment: nephron to excretory duct
7 to 10 arched tubules join single straight collecting tubules
(not easily identified in sections)
Collecting Tubule:
In cortical ray and outer part of medulla
Unite with other collecting tubules – inner part of medulla
Result of union: large straight tube: Papillary Ducts of Bellini
10 to 20 papillary ducts – open on a papilla
Duct of this tree-like system vary from 40 to 200 μ diameter
Epithelium: cuboidal to tall columnar, very regular arrangement
Cell boundaries – distinct
Tops bulge into lumen
Nuclei dark staining; at one level (basal)
Cytoplasm pale, clear
Renal Pelvis – Ureter – Urinary Bladder
Minor calyx caps each renal pyramid (7 to 10)
Calyx is double walled cup
Inner wall continuous with papillary ducts
Several minor calyces open into each major calyx
Major calyces open into renal pelvis
Ureter connects renal pelvis to urinary bladder
Mucosa of these elements: Transitional epithelium
Calyx – 2 to 3 layers of cells
Ureter – 4 to 5 layers of cells
Urinary Bladder – 6 to 8 layers of cells
Basement membrane not obvious
Lamina Propria – thin fibers, mostly collagenous
No papillae
Diffuse lymphoid tissue & occasional solitary lymph
Submucosa – vague or absent – deeper layers are looser,
more elastic
laxity permits folding
Ureter has ~5 major and minor folds (stellate lumen)
Relaxed bladder – mucosa thrown into thick, irregular
Muscularis – 2 to 3 layers loosely arranged layer (not
Smooth muscle – discrete bundles
Inner layer – longitudinal
Next layer – circular
Ureter & bladder have 3rd layer (outermost) –
Pelvis & calyces – muscle is thin, largely circular (forms
sphincter around each papilla)
Adventitia – fibrous external tunic; blends with adjacent C.T.
bUrethra – Female
♀ Urethra = short duct, 1.5 inches long
From urinary bladder to outlet (in vestibule)
Epithelium Near bladder = Transitional
Middle portion (most of urethra):
Pseudostratified to stratified columnar
Near outlet = stratified squamous
Nest of mucous cells can occur
Urethral glands (more numerous in males)
Basement membrane: inconspicuous
Lamina Propria: no papillae; is folded
longitudinally  irregular lumen, crescent shaped
Deep stratum rich in elastic fibers & veins (?)
Layer may really be part of Lamina Propria
Veins  plexus of prominent, thin-walled vessels
Spongy, semi-erectile tissue
Thick coat of smooth muscle
Inner layer: longitudinal
Outer layer: circular; forms internal involuntarysphincter
near bladder
Skeletal muscle exterior to smooth muscle = voluntary
muscle “Constrictor Urethrae”
indefinite coat (fuses to surrounding structures)
Dorsally – merges with fibrous coat of vagina
Other areas – fuses to constrictor urethrae muscle
Urethra – Male
Tube ~8 inches long; stem only homologous to female urethra
Three regional segments:
Prostatic urethra: next to bladder (1.5 inches long)
elevated urethral crest (posterior wall)
prostatic utricle & paired ejaculatory duct open on
surrounded by prostate gland
Membranous urethra: prostate to penis (0.5 inches
surrounded by muscles; components of urogenital
Cavernous urethra: 6 inches through penis
Epithelium varies regionally
Transitional near bladder
Most of urethra is stratified columnar or
Near meatus: stratified squamous
Epithelium on thin basement membrane
Lamina Propria: resembles female L.P.
branching mucous tubules (= Urethral Glands
of Littré)
ducts with intra-epithelial nest of mucous cells –
open into recesses of lumen
Not distinguishable as such
Like ♀ -- deeper layer with many veins

largely confined to prostatic & membranous segments
inner layer (smooth muscle) – longitudinal
outer layer (smooth muscle) – circular
best developed at bladder neck – forms sphincter
cavernous segment lacks smooth muscle layers
longitudinal muscle – in true erectile tissue
No typical adventitia present
Prostatic urethra – surrounded by prostate gland
Membranous urethra – encircled by sphincter of
skeletal muscle
Cavernous urethra surrounded by erectile tissue &
dense outer sheath (neither belong to urethra)
The Histology of the Organs that Collect and
Transport Urine

Figure 26.20a

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