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Music Genres There are hundreds of different genres and sub-genres of music to date. lintend to look at the artists who are classified as representatives of the 'main! genres and also exarnine what you stereotypically would expect from their CD covers, music videos and other promotional products. Pop Music Pop music was developed in the 1250s as a softer alternative to Rock and Roll music, which was extremely popular atthe time. Pop music mainly focused on attracting @ younger audience but often attracts a much larger audience than just young people which is where the narne ‘pop’ originated fromyas a shortened version of the word ‘popular’. Michael Jacksoniis one of the most farnous names within the genre of pop so much so that he earned the nickname ‘The king of pop'. He has influenced a range of other pop artists such as Britney Spears and Peter Andre. A typical CD cover for a pop artist tend to be very colourful and often are quite unrealstic to appeal to the mass audiences. Pop music videos are also thought to be ‘mainstream! so therefore they will promote both the song and the artist. —— Rock Music Rock music is a broad genre of popular music that originated as "rock and rollin the United States in the early 1950s, and developed into a range of different styles in the 1960s and later, particularly in the United Kingdom and in the United States It has its roots in 1940s and 1950s rock and roll, distyle which drew heavily on the African-American genres of blues and rhythrn and blues, and from country music. Rock music also drew strongly on Ginumber of other genres such as electric blues ond folk, and incorporatedinfluences from jazz, classical and other musical styles. Due to the many other genres that influence rock music many sub-genres have been created as a result for example indie rock, pop rock and heavy metal. Rap Music Rap musics the rhythmic speaking of words over a beat leading to very poetical and realistic music as a result. The genre originated in the beginning of the 1970s in New York and is now arguably the most popular/listened to genre. Many rap/hip-hop artists take inspiration from their own lives in their lyrics leading to the inclusion of slang fromthe streets and different cultures causing for much of the music to be openly criticised for its promotion/glorification of violence. Due to its popularity with mass audiences some rap artists have become some of the richest and most influential people on the planet for exarnple Jay Z, Eminem and 50 Cent. Cd covers of rap songs and albums are often rather simplistic purely showing the artist and a limited view of the background whilst the music videos often are heavily performance based. Dance Music Dance music is upbeat and often referred to as rave music. In the 90s the two main sub-genres were techno and trance with UK: garage music later being introduced. Dance music artists often create collaborations with other artists from different genres. Probably the best example of this is Calvin Harris who has had many ver successful songs with artists such as Rhianna, Lil Yachty and Ellie Goulding. The frequency of these collaboration songs being produced sometimes makes it difficult to categorise the genre although it is now clear that dance songs are taking characteristics from other genres in order to keep on modernising. Often music videos to dance songs there are scenes of nightlife and party's which helps to create an atmosphere suitable for the lyrics of the song, POWTOON ake in awesome zowroon

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