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Final Benchmark

Play Center

 Transformed our dramatic play area into a school

 Includes a variety of activities:
 Following/giving directions
 White board
 Writing
 Reading
 Rhyming
 Counting
 Puzzles
 Maps
Play Center

 There will be a large easel white board allowing students to draw, practice
and write.
 We will have clipboards and markers for journals.
 There will be rhyming games and a center table for discussion and
 There will be art activities like letter tracing, letter making, and more.
 Practice holding scissors, pencils and more.
 They will get the chance to use pointers and count using numbers,
calendar, objects.
 There will be games and puzzles for pattern and color practice.
Play Center Observation

 We set up the play center to have whiteboards personal and an easel to

allow for them to create their own teaching. We practiced rhyming ‘at’
words during circle time. We had words written on the easel like; MAT, BAT,
HAT. We left them on the board for the children to create their own
learning activities. One Student went into the play center and wanted to
play teacher with some of his peers. He asked another student to come
and use white boards with him. They worked together to not only model
the word BAT but to demonstrate their knowledge of the animal by
drawing a picture of a bat.
Cultural Story Box Activity

 Mexico story box: We asked families with previous traditional dance

knowledge to come and teach a dance. We three moms and one dad,
and one brother come in to teach the Jarabe Tapatío.. We looked it up on
the internet before and they got to see a street performance of the dance
with the fancy outfits. They really got into the outfits and the hats they
wore. They thought the way the dresses moved on the girls were amazing
and my students were in awe. It was an amazing experience to have the
families take lead and teach our whole class including us teachers.
 The children in my class still to this day talk about the Mexican dance they
learned. We also brought in one traditional dance outfit to put used during
dramatic play dress up center
Cultural Story Box Literacy

 The favorite Mexico book was M is for Mexico because there was a lot of
familiar words! They got excited when we read that book. One activity
that the children really responded well to was when we read ‘M is for
Mexico’ we would have each child tell a story of a word.
 J was for jaguar and one student talked about the field trip to the zoo and
how he got to see the jaguars. The children got to relate to this book in a
way that they couldn’t do with all of the India books.

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