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Trabalho realizado por:

Bárbara Paradela Nº2 9ºA

Diana Goulão Nº9 9ºA
1.The first movie – “Frankenstein” in 1931;
2.A more recent film based on the story written by
Mary Shelley - “Victor Frankenstein” of 2015;
3.Small video with comparisons between the two
4.Someone adaptation of children’s.
The first movie – “Frankenstein” in 1931
• The first movie ever makes, “Frankenstein” in 1931 tells the story of Henry Frankenstein, a
crazy scientist, and his assistant Fritz, a hunchback. The scientist search for dead people and
cook their bodies to make another man, but he perceives that to mak4 his monster came alive
he needs brain.

• Then he sends Fritz to a university, where he stools some brains, used to

belong to a killer, after that he needed to wait for an electric storm. While that Dr. Waldman,
one of Frankenstein’s teachers, his wife Elizabeth and his best friend Victor, try to make him
give up. But Henry didn’t give up and he managed to make his monster came alive. The
consequences of this will be tragic.
A more recent film – “Victor Frankenstein” of 2015
• A more recent film based on the story written by Mary Shelley is “Victor Frankenstein” of 2015
that tells the story of a scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who is going to visit a circus. In this five
finds a hunchback who worked as a clown. This aroused the scientist’s attention due to the fall
of a trapeze artist and where the hunchback saves her devote to his knowledge of anatomy.

• Then Victor decides to take the hunchback with him home, where he gives the name of Igor.
Victor with the help of Igor intends to achieve his goal of creating life after death. What ends
up happening.
Small video with comparisons between the two films
Someone adaptation of children’s
• Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet Frankenstein (1999);
• Frankenweenie (2012);
• Frankulstein (2015);
• Mad Monster Party? (1967)

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