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Coulomb's Law

● Measures the electrical force between

charged objects

↑q ↑F (numerator > denominator)

-directly proportional

K = Coulomb’s constant
↑r ↓F (denominator > numerator)
q1 and q2 = magnitudes of the
-inversely proportional
r = distance between the charges
F = force
Electronegativity + Types of Bonds
Electronegativity= a measure of the tendency of an atom to attract a bonding pair
of electrons

Nonpolar covalent= A bond between 2 nonmetal atoms that have the same
electronegativity and therefore have equal sharing of the bonding electron pair

Polar covalent= A bond between 2 nonmetal atoms that have different

electronegativities and therefore have unequal sharing of the bonding electron pair

Ionic= occurs when there is complete transfer (between the two atoms) of the
electrons in the bond.
Electronegativity Differences
Periodic Table of Electronegativities

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