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 Microsoft works in the technology and video games sector. They

have multiple different branch's that work independently and
provide products for a range of age groups and targeted
Structure and Ownership

 Microsoft was founded by Paul Allen and Bill Gates on April 4,

1975, to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for the Altair 8800.

 Steve Ballmer replaced Gates as CEO in 2000, and later

envisioned a "devices and services" strategy. They started
creating more hardware such as laptops, phones and tv's. This
Quickly became there main source of income.
Sources of income

 Microsoft has several sources of income, they range from

Subscriptions (Office and Windows)
Devices (Phones, Laptops, Tablets)
Licences (GPU's and CPU's)
Product Diversity

 Microsoft has one of the most diverse product line-ups in the

world. Originally starting with computers they
manufactured certain aspects to be fited into the CPU's and
GPU's. They then expanded into building video game consoles,
Phones, Tablets and Laptops.

 Their most popular product is their operating system windows

that is the leading operating system in the world. No one can
compete with Microsoft when it comes to this aspect

 Microsoft for a long time has been competing with apple. They
both share a similar type of company and are better than each
other in different aspects. For years Microsoft has been trying to
catch up to apples iPhone which is the most popular phone in
the world with little hopes of ever catching. Apple has also had
this problem when it comes to computers. Their specs don’t
even compare with Microsoft and often scares away consumers.

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