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Unit 38 Sound Production

Part 2
 This advertisement was made to promote RockShore
Larger over multiple different media sources.
 All diegetic sound was cut to make room for artificial
non diegetic sounds that added so much more and was
RockShore Ad of higher quality.

 All diegetic sound was saved for back up just incase but
was not needed in the final edit.
 There was a lot of diegetic sounds for this ad.
 These included sounds to add to the environment like
wind and birds chirping

 There was also sounds added to make the character

Non-Diegetic feel like he was making an impact to the environment, I
did this by adding in branches breaking as walked and
sounds tree trunks colliding with his hands.
 Finally I added in the sound track that suited the ad and
added in a can opening to get the higher quality spray
and feeling of power

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