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Cuento de Caperucita Roja.

Curso: 3ro “D”
Edison Velasco
There was (used to be) a little girl
she always used to wear (was wearing) a red cape
she used to live in the forest
She was sick
she prepared the vegetable soup
her mom said
carry (take) a basket with soup!
While she was walking
a wolf appeared
asked the wolf
where do you go to little red riding hood?
The little girl responded
to my grandmother's house!
Then the wolf told him
he takes a shortcut
You will get there quickly by that way
while the wolf came fast on the other road and swallowed
The wolf put on
her coat and her nightcap
the wolf lay down on the bed
to wait for the girl to arrive
When Red Riding Hood arrived, she was scared when she
saw her grandmother
and I ask
What big nose do you have?
The wolf answered him!
It is to smell better
how big eyes you have?
It's to look better!
And what big mouth do you have?
Then he devoured the girl
Suddenly, the door was open.
A lumberjack he heard a girl shouting
I ran to the grandmother's house
and he found the wolf and killed him.
She opened her belly to save grandma and red riding hood

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