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How To CUT

Fix The Source

The key to dealing with complaints is to seek

out where they originate from and fix that.

Sometimes the best advice is the simplest:

Listen to what the customer wants, not
what you think they want and what you
think will satisfy them.
Know your customer

Customer complaints need to be monitored

closely to ensure that unhappy customers
don’t go unnoticed.
Our thinking is to identify the signs
customers give us and determine what
they truly mean.
Stay one step ahead

Staying one step ahead of the customer with

explanatory and helpful details, even if
things are going wrong, will reduce the
effort required of the customer and
improve the customer experience.
Educate your customer

Educating the customer and providing FAQs

could save them time and frustration, as
half the complaints we have to deal with
are more to do with confusion than an
actual problem
Use proactive customer service

Use proactive customer service to identify

customer needs before they become
problems. This will allow you to forewarn
your customers about how the issue may
affect them, what you are doing about it, and
what the next steps are.
Often the worst thing in a customer’s mind is
not knowing what is happening. So keep
customers informed throughout all
emergency situations and complaint handling
processes – because honesty is an extremely
effective way of showing customers that you
really do value them.
Act quickly

You’ll always get complaints… that’s just life –

you cannot get everything right all of the time,
and there will always be things outside of
your control, too. The key is to act quickly
and keep people informed.
Ironically, sometimes the perfect experience,
where nothing goes wrong and you have
limited contact, becomes forgettable and
doesn’t create loyalty. Bad experiences that
are fixed and fixed quickly can and do create
even more loyal customers.

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