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Fan facts:
1. Farley Mowat “Never Cry Wolf”
● Monogamous (mate for life) published 1963 print.
2. Wikipedia last edited on 25 June
2018 about Gray Wolfs see link;
Lupus “Wolves”
● Wolves mark their territory, to
show properly line and to make olf
1. Wolf classification by Helen Wu,
their presents know. From Tes Teach
● Ravens follow wolves around, they 2wpDjrA/wolf-classification
4. https://momo-no-
prefer to eat with them not alone.
● Predators are polar bears, other can-easily

wolves and humans.

● They take 10-15 minute naps

throughout the day instead of 8 By: Kevin Campos

hour cycles.
Frozen tundra, grasslands, Biology 1010
forests, swamps, and mountains. SLCC Summer 2018
Length: 3.3-6ft
Weight: 99-155 lbs
Lifespan: 7-10

Wolves live in groups of varies numbers

called packs. In cave like structures
called den’s. These dens can be very deep
but tight fitting to humans.
Scientific Classification Anatomy of Wolf
1) Caribous

2) Fish

3) Arctic Hares

4) Lemming

5) Musk Ox

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