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Armando Carreño

What happened?
September 19 earthquake
in jojutla morelos
September 19 was a normal day for me,
I went to work early as usual, I came to my office and I
had a coffee and I went to work. not knowing what
would happen later.
my office is on the second floor, I was working on a project when
at 1:15 the whole office started to shake,
I fell to the floor as if I had been pushed.
As I was able to get up and run down to the meeting point,
everything moved very suddenly, the houses collapsed.
I tried to call my wife and my parents but there was no sign,
my anguish entered me and I ran out to look for them and in my way
I saw a lot of destruction.
I ran even faster to get to my house and find out if my family was okay.
When I arrived at my house I did not find my wife, I feared the worst,
after thinking and reassuring myself. I ran to her grandparents' house and there she was,
hugged her so hard and we cried together.
It was a great tragedy and to this day we continue to suffer the effects of the earthquake..

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