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Learning How

to Apologize
Speaking Exercise

– In a group of 3 or 4, discuss these questions

1. What’s the worst mistake you’ve made at school/how did you deal with it?
2. What is the biggest mistake you have ever made/what did you learn from it?
3. Is it easy for you to admit your mistakes or do you blame others or
circumstances for your mistakes?
Excuse Me, Pardon, and Sorry

1. Usually used to apologize when you have done something wrong, the simplest way
to apologize.
2. To be more polite, use “I am sorry”.
3. To emphasize how sorry you are, use “I am so/terribly/very/extremely/really
4. To say what you are sorry for, you can say:
– I am sorry I shouted at you
– I am sorry about last night
– I am sorry for being late

5. When you accidentally stepped on someone’s toe, you say “I’m sorry” or just
6. When you bump into someone on the street. You say “sorry”
7. HOWEVER, when you hear bad news and you want to express your feelings,
you say “ I am sorry to hear that”.
8. SORRY is also used as an introduction to share bad or disappointing news.
9. Used when you disagree with someone.
Excuse Me

1. When you want to interrupt someone

2. When you want to call someone’s attention.
3. When you are trying to leave the the place but someone is in your way
4. When you want or ask permission to do something

1. When you have not heard or understood what someone has said.
2. When you have done something slightly impolite such as burping and

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