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Mengidentifikasi dan menyebutkan situasi yang
memunculkan pernyataan sebab akibat dan
menyebutkan pernyataan yang dimaksud
Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kalimat yang
menunjukan keterkaitan sebab dan akibat
Generic Structure
• Memiliki gagasan utama pada topik sentence
yang akan di bahas dalam keseluruhan
• Memiliki supporting detail atau kalimat-
kalimat pendukung yang berupa penyebab.
• Diakhiri dengan concluding sentence atau
kesimpulan yang berupa akibat.
Paragraf cause and effect memiliki gaya bahasa
seperti di bawah ini.
• Menggunakan tenses yang tergantung dengan
konteks waktu dalam kalimat, dengan kata lain,
dapat berupa past tense, present tense, atau
future tense.
• Banyak menggunakan kata kerja atau verb dalam
kalimat aktif dan pasif.
• Menggunakan transisi seperti, due to, because,
consequently, as a result, dan causes.
Sentence connectors showing cause
and effect
• for, because, as, since, therefore, hence, as a
result, consequently, due to, because of, as a
result of etc.
Because and Because of
• Kedua kata because dan because of
mempunyai arti yang sama, yaitu karena.
• Perbedaan Penggunaan "because" dan
"because of
Because ---> is followed by a subject + verb
(diikuti oleh subyek + kata kerja)
The concert was canceled because it was
Because of

• Because of ---> is followed by a noun, pronoun

or V-ing. And modifed a verb.
(diikuti oleh kata benda, kata ganti atau V-ing)
The concert was canceled because of the rain.
• The productivity of corn and wheat may decline
because of climate change. (noun phrase)
• John was worried because of his son’s condition.
• We all are here because of you.
• The man was arrested by police because of his
bad behavior.
• Because of not feeling well, he went to bed early.
1. The man works so hard because of his family
2. The soldiers have to leave their family
because of the duty.
3. Because of your help, I can finish my
assignment on time.
4. My little brother cries so hard because of
being left by my mother.
5. Because of feeling tired, She goes straight to
• Because of feeling happy, Rina sings loudly.
• She cries because of being hurt by her boyfriend.
• Because of you, I don’t know how to let anyone
else comes into my life.
• Because of his homework, he can’t go out with
his friends.
• I decide to stay at home because of the weather.
• He was absence because of his worse cold
Due to
• “due to” mempunyai fungsi sebagai adjective
( kata sifat) artinya kata sifat selalu
menerangkan kata benda ( noun/noun phrase)
dan biasanya diikuti oleh verb to be (is, am,
are, was, were)
His failure on exam was due to the bad
My loss of appetite was due to a stomachache
• My son was absence due to his illness
• My low grade was due to/caused by lack of study
• Due to a lot of job, my father comes home late
• The old man was lost his foot, due to car accident
• Due to the lack of water, my flowers don’t grow
• My loss of appetite was due to a stomachache.
• A cause makes a thing happen; an effect is what results when that thing
happens. If you brush your teeth and your teeth get whiter, then brushing
is the cause and whitening is the effect. A cause-and-effect paragraph
helps a reader understand why things happen: the weakening of the ozone
layer, the war in Vietnam, the spike in teenage obesity.
While cause-and-effect paragraphs may be indispensable to writers who
explain politics, human behavior, or the hard sciences, they can also be
misleading. If a school, for example, has high reading scores, it may have
nothing to do with the quality of teaching and everything to do with
students the school has recruited. If I happen to be an honest fellow with
good study habits and the ability to make friends, it may have nothing to
do with how my parents raised me and everything to do with my genes.
Nevertheless, a cause-and-effect paragraph can be a valuable tool for
explaining outcomes and trends, and an excellent way to predict future

In New York City, fifty percent of all public school teachers leave the profession
within their first five years on the job. While the teachers union and some politicos
have charged that the high attrition rate is due to the salary gap between city
teachers and their brethren in the suburbs, the real problem is student behavior.

• There are approximately 1.1 million public school students, and many of them,
especially those in poor neighborhoods, have family problems that make it hard
for them to sit still for five hours a day. These students may come from homes with
no books, where TV sets blare all day, where no parent or older sibling has a
college degree, where generations of kids have found the world of academics
foreign, frustrating, and fruitless. Because many of these students cannot read a
menu or calculate two-digit addition problems, they find long hours in the
classroom tortuous. And while classrooms can absorb one or two of these kids—
that is, the teacher can teach with a minimum of disruption—classrooms with four
or more problem students reach a critical mass.

• The bad kids tip the good kids, and the simplest lesson becomes a test of wills
between teacher and student. Only the most patient, most gifted teacher can
endure more than a couple of years of these daily battles. If she wants to keep
teaching, she flees for greener pastures —schools like Bronx Science, Stuyvesant,
Midwood—or a school in Westchester. The result is alarming: perhaps half of the
city’s 1000 schools have green-horn teachers with only a few years experience.
Many of these novices don’t know their subjects and don’t know how to control a
room filled with difficult kids. Many soon find non-teaching jobs. As a result, the
teaching profession, at least the way it’s practiced in New York City, becomes a
form of slumming, or something to do until you grow up—like the Peace Corps or
the army.

Choose one of the following topics and write a cause and effect paragraph
Why is Paris Hilton, someone with minimal talent and iffy looks, so popular?
What is one cause of weight gain?
Why has President Bush, despite his frat-boy persona and mangled syntax, won so
many elections?
Why do women, despite their frequent denials, love macho men?
Why is it preferable (or silly) to date someone of your own ethnicity or religion?
Why hasn’t soccer, the world’s most popular sport, caught on in America?
How does smoking marijuana affect your mental or physical health?
Why does flattery work, even when the person being flattered knows you are a
lying liar?
Why do men and women cheat?
What is the effect of high interest rates on the stock market?
Although it is fake, why is professional wrestling so popular?
Choose your own topic.
• Students are not allowed to chew gum in my class.
While some students think that I am just being mean,
there are many good reasons for this rule. First, some
irresponsible students make messes with their gum.
They may leave it on the bottoms of desks, drop it on
the floor, or put it on other people’s property. Another
reason why I don’t allow students to chew gum is
because it is a distraction. When they are allowed to
chew gum, students are more worried about having it,
popping it, chewing it, and snapping it then they are in
listening, writing, reading, and learning. This is why I
don’t allow students to chew gum in my class.
Illnesses are caused by germs not
• Example: Many people think that they can get sick by
going into cold weather improperly dressed; however,
illnesses are not caused by temperature- they are
caused by germs. So while shivering outside in the cold
probably won’t strengthen your immune system, you’re
more likely to contract an illness indoors because you
will have a greater exposure to germs.
• In the above example, the paragraph explains how
germs cause illnesses. The germs are the cause in the
paragraph and the illness is the effect.
• People around the world has known bicycle since a long time ago. When bicycle invented for the first time, it has
function as transportation equipment, people used it to go everywhere, but now bicycle can be used as exercises
equipment, or just for hobby. When people ride a bicycle, accident can happened . This bicycle accident can be
caused by the broken equipment, weather condition, or the biker’s carelessness.
• The failure of the equipment can be one of the cause of the bicycle accident. For example, if the brake of the
bicycle do not work well, it can be problem for a biker, because without a brake, bicycle can not controlled well
too, especially when a biker rides in steep descent, or if a biker wants to hit something. There are many another
equipments of the bicycle can be the root of the problems in a bike, such as handlebar, tire, etc. The equipment
also can not work proper if it or they have been out of their work time, too old. The bikers should take care and
give attention to the bike’s equipment to keep away the accident from them when they ride their bike. Therefore
it is important for the biker to check everything before they ride their bicyle. This is can be the best way for the
biker to avoid the accident caused by the failure of the bike’s equipment. The safety of riding bicycle can create by
the biker itself.

• Weather condition can be another cause of the bicycle accident, such as in the rainy and windy situation. In the
rainy situation, the water may impair the brakes and obstruct the brakes. Besides of it, in the rainy weather, a biker
also has difficulties in controlling the bike because of the wet road they through. In windy weather I think it is
imposible to handle the bicycle as good as in the good weather, because it may cause the bicycle unsteady. The
bikers should pay attention in weather if they want to ride for exercise or just riding around a place. They should
not ride after the big rain or when the wind flow fast around the bikers.
• The last cause of the bicycle accident is the carelessness of the biker. If the reason above are include to non
human factor, this is the human factor that can cause bike accident. This is the most happen to the bikers when
they ride. Sometimes they do that by their awareness or they do that just because it is a habit. Sometimes the
bikers do not care about the traffic signs. They stop in the place where they should not stop. This carelessness is
the number one of the cause of bicycle accident in riding bike. To avoid the accident which caused by this factor,
the bikers should give attention more in traffic sign and focussed well when they ride a bike.
• In conclusion, there is some factor which can caused bicycle acccident such as the broken equipment of the bike,
the weather, and the human carelessnes. Actually this aciident can be avoid if every biker check their bike’s
equipment before they go by bicycle, do not ride in bad weather, and improve their awareness of traffic sign. It is
better to prevent than we have to treat. We can make ourselves safe if we can create the safety way in riding


Smoking has many serious effects. The most obvious effect is the deterioration of a smoker's health. Smoking
increases the risk of lung disease, increases blood pressure, increases the risk of heart attacks, and reduces
the flow of oxygen to the brain. Smoking creates respiratory problems. A smoker's cough expels phlegm, a
thick mucus in the nose and the throat that wants to escape the body. Prolonged use may lead to
emphysema and the need to hook up to a machine to pump enough oxygen into the lungs. Another effect of
this habit is that smoking breeds halitosis; a smoker's breath always smells foul and repulsive. Smoking
frequently results in social isolation because fewer people smoke or want to be in the presence of asecond-
hand smoke. Friends and acquaintances often bluntly tell their smoking friends that they don't want the
smell in their cars or in their homes. The strong, offensive odor of smoke clings to smokers' clothing, hair, and
skin. The final effect of smoking is that is depletes the pocketbook. Smoking is now an expensive habit, and
the price of cigarettes continues to rise. The effects of smoking are many, which leaves one wondering why
intelligent people do not find a way to break their harmful addition.
1. The heavy snowfall was_____El Nino
2. The snowfall came______the effects of El
3. The crash was_______ the erratic nature of
the other driver
4. The crash occurred ______ the erratic nature
of the other driver
• Bcause the phrase after the connecting verb
“was” is working as an adjective modifying the
noun snowfall. Due to
• The phrase modyfied theverb came. Its giving
a reason – a cause for why the snowfall came
• Proper noun Name of particular thing, place, animal,
and place ( Danny, New York, Cambodia, John, etc
• Common Noun Name which given in common to
everyone(Person, thing, animal) My teacher, doctor,
dog, cat, house, chair, etc
• Abstract Noun. Name of idea, quality and action that is
the name of something we can’t touch, see, smell and
taste/ words for things that you cannot detect with
your physical sense.
(advice, Ambition, tolerance, wish
Goodness, optimism, leisure, gratitude, Kindness,
darkness, failure.
Frustration, Talking, movement, discussion, etc )
• Collective noun : Name of number of collection
of person, thing and animal taken together and
spoken as a whole. ( Family, Army, Nation,
Association, Community, etc)
• Compound Noun. The nouns that are combined
between one word with another word and can
make from many kinds of noun, adjective and
verb. ( Sunlight, Strongman)
• Material noun. Name of particular object. ( chair,
table, car, book ,pen, radio, etc )
• Gerund ( Verbal noun): I went fishing,Walking
is good exercise, etc
• Possessive noun: The teacher’s desk, the
elephant’s baby, the child’s toy

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