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Employees Responsibilities

and Role Clarification

Prepared by: Priyesh Lunagaria (38)

Kamlesh Murajmalani (39)
Shreyans Shah (46)

Submitted to: Dr. V.B.Patel

Role means expectations from your superiors
and subordinates about your work.

If expectations are high then you feel ‘Role


When your role & Responsibility are not clear

that is called ‘Role Ambiguity’.
If your superior wants you to behave in a
particular way and your subordinates expects
you to behave in opposite way, then it creates
‘Role Conflict’.

Role Conflict increases mental pressure.

For e.g. in every joint family, husbands suffers

from opposite expectations of their wives and
mothers, so they affected by ‘Role conflict’.
Suppose you have two bosses and each boss
have different expectations from you, then you
feel ‘Role conflict’.

Some studies indicate that role ambiguity can

more affect person’s mental stability than role

But in general every employee should have

clarity in his role and expectations of their
superiors and subordinates.
Technique of Role Clarification
Role Clarification technique is divided into four
1) First Stage: (Role clarification)

For example company marketing head call a

meeting of managers to decide the role of
marketing director’s position.

With the advice of team members some

responsibilities are added & some are removed.
Until team members and marketing head are not
satisfied this process goes on.

For e.g. where self-financed college directors

roles ends and trusties role starts, it is unclear.
2) Second stage:

 In second stage marketing head expresses his

expectations from his team members(includes
marketing research head, sales promotion
head, product development head etc).

 In this stage marketing director also prepare

detail list of his expectations from others
(Marketing head, managers).
3) Third Stage:

 The managers who are working under

marketing directors, discuss and express the
expectation that they have from marketing

For e.g. Product development head can say that

when we develop a new product to lunch in the
market then we expect a little extra budget and
other support from you. At this stage our
expectation are not satisfied.
4) Fourth stage:

 A meeting is conducted, at that time a detail

enlist is prepared by marketing head which
shows everyone is agreed with what ever is
decided in first three stages.

The copy of list is distributed to everyone

working under him.

This list is not opposed by anyone because

everything is already agreed is first three stages.
This list is called ‘Role Profile’ of each person
& different from ‘Job Profile’.

In role profile everyone is agreed with whatever

is mentioned, so they sincerely follow.
What This List Includes?

1. Every employee as per his role has to decide,

which work to do? Which exercises are
compulsory in it? What extra exercise the
employee could do with their self knowledge?

 For example: In college any professor can

take extra classes on the day of holiday or can
work in vacation or professor can also arrange
the field trip of students.
2) How role of all managers are integrated written
in this list?

For example: Marketing, Research and Sales

management’s role , sales management and new
product development’s role etc.

This is called ‘Roles Relationship’. For team

building role relationship is mandatory.
3) A written statement of expectations of one
person from other person.

For example: Today self-financed colleges are

running at very critical situation. At this time if
trustees, directors and professors clarify each
others role and on the other side professors and
students clarify their roles that improve college

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