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Survey Questionnaire
400 Respondents

•200 Males
•200 Females
229 Completed 169 Completed Questionnaires

57 % response rate 43% response rate

• Job Satisfaction - was measured using the 15 item.
-consist of two subscales: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Satisfaction
-How satisfied they are with each of the fifteen job items.
Turnover Intentions- was measured using 3 item.
- how frequently have you seriously considered leaving your job in the past
six months?
-how likely are you to leave your job in the next six months?
-how often do you actively look for jobs outside the police service?
• Opportunities For Career advancement
-four item scale measuring the perceived difficulties in achieving promoting
and accessing training as compared to male and female colleagues .
- it was elicited from qualitative interview.
*How difficult is it for you to achieve promotion compared to other
female officers?

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