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A–ah B–beh C–theh Ch-cheh D–deh E–eh

F–efeh G–heh H–acheh I–ee J–hota K–kah

L–eleh Ll-elyeh M–emeh N–eneh Ñ-enyeh

O–oh P–peh Q–cuh R–ere Rr-erre S–eseh

T–teh U–uuh V–uuveh W–uuveh doble

X–ekis Y–ee griegah Z–theta

¿Cómo se escribe tu nombre?
Se escribe …
Listen and write the names of these people

1 4 5
2 3

Salma Raúl Príncipe Enrique Conchita

Hayek Felipe Iglesias Martínez
With a partner, pretend you’re a famous
person. Your partner has to guess who you are.

¿Cómo se escribe tu nombre?

Se escribe D-A-V-I-D B…
Make up an alphabet of Spanish words. Look
up on page 137.

a – años
b – bolígrafo
c – cuaderno …
Write the Spanish phrase and then the
correct English phrase

1. ¿Cómo se dice ‘paper’ en español?

How do you say ‘paper’ in Spanish?
Can I have some paper please?

2. No comprendo.
Can you repeat?
I don’t understand.

3. He terminado. ¿Qué hago ahora?

I’ve finished. What do I do now?
Lend me a pen please.

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