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DIgestive System

What do they do?

Teeth- Used to chew and crush food;form of predigestion.

Salivary Gland- To produce saliva which breaks down


Esophagus- Connects mouth to stomach.

Stomach- Secretes acid and enzymes to digest food and ridges

also physically break down food.

Liver- filters blood and produces bile

What do They Do?
Pancreas- To produce digestive juices that are released into
the small intestine.

Large Intestines- Absorb water

Small Intestines- Absorb nutrients

Caecum- Absorb water and salt left after intestinal digestion

and mix with mucus.

Rectum- Keep large intestines sealed

Anus- Opening that allows for exit of feces

What DO they do?
Beak- Pick up food

Esophagus- Connects beak to crop

Crop- stores food

Proventriculus- mixes food with acids and enzymes

Gizzard- grinds food with grit found inside; similar to


Pancreas- Produces enzymes to aid in digestion

Gallbladder- Stores bile produced in liver

What do they do?
Liver- produces bile

Small intestine- absorb nutrients

Large intestine- absorb water

Cecum- Allow for fermentation of undigested food

Vent- End of digestive system where urine and feces are


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