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Vad är fysik?
• Physics studies the properties and structure of matter –MATERIA and
phenomena in nature (mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, atomic,
quantum ...).

• The MATERIA exists in two forms

- substance and
- physical field.
The substance is everything that the nature consists of: chemical elements,
compounds and mixtures.

Physical field is the form of matter - MATERIA through which interaction is

realized in nature (for example: attraction through a gravitational field or
charged particles is attracted or rejected through an electric field).

Trough the years various areas of study were developed: mechanics,

thermodynamics, electromagnetism, waves, optics, quantum physics, atomic
physics, molecular physics, nuclear physics, elemental physics.
• Mechanics - studies the simplest form of motion of matter, or the change in
the position of the body of one relative to others.
• Thermodynamics - studies the heat phenomena and the exchange of heat
between the bodies.

seeing how energy goes from one to another object:

• Electromagnetism - studies electrostatic and magnetic interactions between
the body.
• Example: With the help of a scientific simulation, run the dotted charge and
observe changes in the electric field, voltage, equipotential lines ...
• Waves and optics - study oscillatory and wavy movements as well as light
• Quantum Physics, Atomic Physics and Physics of the Molecule
• Nuclear physics and elemental particle physics - study the subatomic world
or phenomena at the level of atomic nuclei.
• Example: Analyze nuclear decay by means of a scientific simulation. Run a
chain reaction or get acquainted with non-radioactive isotopes in order to
prevent the chain reaction. Control the production of energy in a nuclear
reactor ...

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